How to Get Popular on the Internet with These 10 Steps | Famous Online

How to get popular on the internet

/ 08:34 AM July 13, 2021

Have you ever wondered how to become famous online? You might have thought about it after watching another influencer video or stream. How do you beat the other online folks and rise as the new online celebrity?

We’ll start with the usual steps you can take for internet popularity. In the United States alone, so many people become famous after one amazing TikTok or YouTube video! You might find other ways out there that we didn’t note.

Whether you want to be well-known for fun or work, having an online presence is important. Social media lets us promote ourselves to the world. That is why it’s important to become popular online in the right and effective way.

#1. Find your talents and interests

#1. Find your talents and interests

After watching your favorite online celebs, what did you learn? Look beyond the number of followers, likes, and views they have. You’ll see that they all have a specialty!

For example, Dhar Mann’s a popular YouTuber who creates videos with positive messages. His goal is to share stories that change other peoples’ lives.

On TikTok, Khaby Lame is popular online for debunking silly online life hacks. He peeled a milk carton open when the online tips said to cut it with scissors!


If you haven’t figured it out, don’t sweat it. Instead, think of the subjects you like. Use your favorite videos as clues! Ask yourself, “What am I good at?”

#2. Look for inspiration

Perhaps you’re checking your favorite online celebs for ideas. You should check how they cover your preferred topic. Also, see their old content to find out how it changed over time.

For example, PewDiePie is one of the most popular YouTubers. He has the 5th largest subscriber count at the time of writing. He often posts Minecraft “let’s play” clips and meme reviews.


Yet, he didn’t start with this kind of content. He started with his Call of Duty match highlights. Also, PewDiePie was popular online due to its horror game playthroughs.

As years went by, he had to change his topics. Memes and Minecraft were becoming popular, so he eventually shifted to these subjects. Now, he comments on various TikTok memes.

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#3. List a handful of options, then pick the one you want

#3. List a handful of options, then pick the one you want

As you find more ideas, jot them down. After some time, you’ll have a long list of topics. Narrow them down based on the following criteria:

  • Can you spend lots of time on this topic?
  • Are you truly familiar with the subject?
  • Are there others already popular online due to your subject?
  • How many are these competitors?
  • Are the folks who discuss your topic already well-known?
  • Who is your audience?
  • Will your viewers be interested in your topic?

As we said, check your favorite content creators for clues. Compare the differences between their old and current posts. If there were changes, use those for ideas.

You should end up with at least three topics. Then, take time to select which of them will be your main subject. You may fall back on the remaining 2 in case that doesn’t spur interest.

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#4. Be on all platforms

#4. Be on all platforms

If you want to be popular online, you need to be on numerous platforms. The world started with Facebook. Now, Twitter and Instagram are major social media sites.

This doesn’t mean you should have accounts on all the websites, though. Everyone has a limited time. You have a life outside your dream to be popular online.

In response, you should spend time wisely. Focus on a few platforms. Specifically, be present in the ones your target audience uses. Let’s say you want to reach business professionals.

You may want to focus on using Facebook and LinkedIn. These are the sites they often use. If you want to reach more of them, you’ll have to be on other websites too.

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#5. Post on other websites

It’s not easy to be on third-party websites. After all, their owners won’t just post your content freely. Yet, being on these sites lets you reach a specific viewer base.

Let’s say you want to be popular online by catering to business-minded people. These folks often read news websites. They also check press release sites too.

You may contact the website yourself. Unfortunately, this will involve extensive negotiations and expensive fees. There is a more convenient way, though.

Thankfully, digital marketing agencies can help you. The best ones can land your posts on these professional websites. With one payment, they’ll handle the rest!

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#6. Always have the best content

#6. Always have the best content

Just being everywhere on the internet isn’t enough. If you want to be popular online, you’ll need to churn out the best content. Never skimp on quality!

Balance your unique style with your audience’s interests. No one will check your content if there are too many similar alternatives! Your content should be identifiable from others.

Yet, you must take your viewers’ tastes into account. Your content shouldn’t come off as if it’s just for you. Get the balance right, and you’re on your way to becoming popular online!

#7. Communicate with your followers

Again, let’s assume you’re a business pro and content creator. You’ll have to communicate with your audience eventually. Just posting a brief comment on Facebook won’t do, though.

You’ll have to share more details. This is especially true if you’re running a company. Potential investors and business partners need all the important information.

A great digital marketing agency greatly helps with this too. You may snag a great deal to publish on famous online news wires.

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#8. See what makes your fans tick

#8. See what makes your fans tick

As you post content and engage with viewers, you get to learn more about them. Jot down your findings. This won’t be enough, though. You’ll need to know how they browse the internet.

Thankfully, digital marketing companies like LeadAdvisors can help. It could research your audience’s internet searches. Then, it could help you gather leads from them too.

All these services can help you become popular online. What’s more, LeadAdvisors has a great promo that offers additional features.

#9. Track your performance

#9. Track your performance

Of course, you should check how your content is doing. If you don’t, your content might be getting stale without you knowing. Thankfully, social media sites have online trackers.

They can show how your campaign to become popular online is going. Even better, digital marketing agencies can help you monitor different metrics.
They could also help you with Search Engine Optimization (SEO). These companies can adjust your content, so it’s more likely to appear in top Google search results.

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#10. Keep at it!

Don’t aim for becoming popular online overnight. Most people don’t do that. Some get lucky with one viral video they never thought would trend! This will take months or years.

Most goals are like this. Many of the biggest content creators have been working for decades. For example, PewDiePie took years before he became popular online.

Keep on posting content. Improve and adapt as you go. Eventually, you’ll become popular online. Just don’t give up!\

Final Thoughts

Before you try to become popular online, find out why you want to do it. Are you doing it to appear in the biggest media outlets? Or do you want to share a product or service?

If you’re just after online clout, you might want to reconsider. Perhaps you should get a better objective for becoming popular online. Fame just for fame’s sake is not ideal.

Otherwise, you may suffer long-term consequences. Find good ways to become popular online. You can still be entertaining while doing it!

Learn more about how to become a popular online

How do you get popular on the Internet?

If you want to be popular online, publish engaging content. Use your interests and talents to provide something that people want.

How do I become Internet famous overnight?

It’s uncommon to become popular online that fast. These instant internet stars often get famous after an unintended viral video. The tried and tested way takes months or even years.

How can I become famous on Google?

If you want to be popular online, you’ll need to use SEO. Apply keywords to propel your content to the top search results. Try posting Google ads too!

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TAGS: B2B Marketing, celebrities, famous, how to, interesting topics, pop culture
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