Instagram: How to Get Real Instagram Followers Fast | Inquirer

Instagram: How to Get Real Instagram Followers Fast

03:55 AM August 09, 2019

Getting followers on Instagram is a big deal. It gives you a platform for a wide range of purposes. If you’re just starting up your business, and you decide to set up a brand on Instagram, building up a huge number of real followers can play an amazing role in making your business a success or if you simply are trying to monetize your Instagram Profile.

The truth of this statement can be attested to by renowned Instagram brand influencers.

One unique thing about Instagram is the fact that its picture-based model makes it the right fit for promoting your business.

An additional feature of Instagram stories makes this feature even more effective as daily posts that are structured towards a particular target audience will help obtain and retain desired followers.

A common saying goes thus “nothing good comes easy” this applies in this case. Raking up Instagram followers to grow your business can come off as challenging, most especially, when starting a business from scratch.

The finding shows that getting to the 10,000 marks of followers is a very hard nut to crack.

This does not mean it is impossible. In fact, people have been able to build up to that number of followers successfully.

If you want to get Instagram followers for your business as fast as possible, you are in the right place. This guide will help you not only help you get Instagram followers quickly but will also help you get real Instagram followers.

Want to Get More Followers on Instagram? Do the Following

1. Be Consistent in Your Follower- Harvesting Technique

If you want to attain a large number of followers on Instagram, you cannot bypass consistency. There is something about consistency that tickles the fancy of every Instagram follower. The reason for this is not far fetched.

Before users click the follow button, they are likely to have gone through Instagram content found on your Instagram account, they like what they see, and they feel you will continue to put up related Instagram content consistently.

Consistency goes beyond ensuring you make Instagram posts every day. Beyond that, you need to make sure what you are posting will achieve your target of getting real Instagram followers within the shortest time frame possible.

If you run a phone accessory page, it would not be productive to post pictures and videos of cosmetics or building materials somewhere in between. You will come off as inconsistent to Instagram users who are interested in phone accessories, thereby reducing their interest on your Instagram page.

Another angle to consistency in getting real Instagram followers as fast as possible is the use of a constant theme or style of design theme for your pictures.

This does not only give your Instagram page a sort of uniformity, but it also gives you an identity. Making a conscious effort to be consistent will make a noticeable difference in your journey to amassing Instagram followers who are your target audience.

2. Make Hashtags Work out Followers for You

Hashtags give you the visibility required for people to see your page. It is one thing for you to prepare and put up awesome pictures and videos on your Instagram page, getting your target audience to see it is something else entirely.

Instagram hashtags are designed to fill this void; it connects your content to users who are searching for them. When you post content on your Instagram, by putting the appropriate hashtags, you are putting your page out to be accessed by many people.

It is not enough to just put out hashtags. Make sure you use relevant hashtags as the quality of your hashtags determines not only the number of Instagram users you will be visible to but also the category they will come from.

Some Instagram marketing experts believe that a few numbers of hashtags are okay to earn you the desired visibility.

While you might not be able to dispute their claims, you should have it at the back of your mind that Instagram algorithms are always changing and there is a multitude of hashtags related to whatever it is your Instagram page is all about.

Hence, you might not know which of this hashtag is the best for you.

An effective way to tackle this challenge is copying a list of hashtags related to a post on your Instagram app, do a little editing to try different but related hashtags and put them all up.

No number of hashtags is too much for a post, but Instagram regulates the use of hashtags by staking the maximum number of hashtags to be 30.

So when trying to see which hashtag will give you the desired result, you are free to put up to 30 different but related hashtags.

The higher the number of hashtags, the higher the visibility your Instagram profile gets.

Therefore, be sure that your hashtags are niche-specific. That way, you will be amassing real Instagram followers, followers that are potential clients or customers.

3. Follow Users Who Are Following Competing Pages

A good way of getting the attention of your target audience is being present where they are.

A place where they will definitely be found is on the pages of competitor brands.

When doing this, make smaller competitors your priority. This is because; you are more likely to win them over than followers of bigger competitors.

It is important to note that the strength of a brand is not characterized by the number of followers.

A brand could have 150,000 followers and still be a smaller brand compared to your brand. Brands like these are what you should look out for as you will stand a chance of winning a reasonable number of followers from here.

Look out for people who follow brands within your niche. A great way to start this process is to make a list of the biggest brands in your niche on Instagram.

Check each of them and see who are their active followers; people who always react and comment on their post. These are people you should follow and engage with as they will probably follow you back with time.

4. Have Influencers Promote Your Instagram

These are people who have been able to harness the power of fame in gathering an awesome number of followers for themselves on Instagram and other social media platforms. They can be very instrumental in helping you get real Instagram followers within a short time.

When making a choice of which influencer would do the job for you, make sure you pick one who has been able to build loyal followership.

These are the real assets. A reference post from them is all you need, and you would surely get new followers and probably make at least a few sales.

However, you should be very careful when exploring this option.

Some influencers may want to play a fast one on you. One way they do this is by sending you fake traffic.

Aside from the fact that the followers will be ineffective; your account will be facing the risk of being banned. You can prevent this from happening by making sure you write a legal document that prevents the influencer from sending fake traffic.

5. Organize Giveaways From Time to Time

Ok, let me start by reminding you of this fact; people love free things. Give out free incentives on various platforms where Instagram users within your niche are present, with the condition that they follow you before they can stand a chance to win.

If you are just starting up your Instagram page, and you have only a few followers, giving out free Instagram items is a great way to speed up your followership.

Mind you; it is very important not to overdo it as this may lead to you getting the wrong type of followers, thereby defeating the whole aim of the exercise.

To them, it looks like it is free because following you is a cost Instagram users can incur conveniently but you are getting followers in return, who are potential clients and customers for your business. Obviously, it could yield good results if done rightly.

6. Develop Original and Appealing Instagram Contents for Your Page

Admins may at times be skeptical about original photos, thinking it is not good enough.

Some may even feel there is no need to go through so much stress since you can get free photos of high quality related to whatever it is your Instagram page is all about as there are some websites created for that single purpose.

However, the benefits of having unique photos for your Instagram page outweighs all the challenges associated with it.

One major benefit is the fact that it can lead to more followership for your page.

When your photos are original and appealing, other brands will definitely notice this and might decide to use your picture on their page. If they do this, privacy policy demands that they acknowledge the source, meaning they will be forced to promote your page.

Do you see how that transmit to massive popularity for your page and may likely win you more followers?

Admittedly, developing original and appealing photos may be stressful, and if you are very serious with it, it may come at a cost as you may decide to employ the services of an official photographer for your page. But the truth is, it is worth the trouble.

7. Join Instagram Engagement Groups

Just so you are hearing about this for the first time, Instagram engagement groups are groups for Instagram users who want to connect with other users. Here, you have a wide variety of users who are ready to follow your page.

If you are particular about getting Instagram followers fast, you can decide to join as many Instagram engagement groups as you want.

But if you want real Instagram followers, in the sense that you want your followership to have a positive influence on your business, then you have to be selective about your choice of Instagram engagement groups by making sure you pick from your business niche.

8. Post Contents From Other Pages

This might sound quite cheap and shallow; you might wonder why this is even coming up again since this article already encouraged original and unique Instagram contents but let’s face the fact, only a few Instagram users will be moved to follow a page with just 10 posts.

There is a need to rack up an impressive number of posts before Instagram users can be impressed.

Creating posts for your page on your own will likely take time hence, you need to watch the number of original posts you created and then compliment it with carefully selected content from pages of similar brands within your niche.

Don’t forget to refer them after taking any post off their page so you don’t breach their privacy policy.


It is very possible to start an Instagram page and get real Instagram followers within a short time.

Many brands and individuals have done this in the past using all the tips discussed in this article. The bottom line is, you want to be in your follower’s Instagram feed. You too can start a similar journey today.

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TAGS: B2B Marketing, Instagram, technology
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