The bright future of cryptocurrency | How it will change the world

The bright future of cryptocurrency

/ 08:02 AM April 28, 2021

The internet is abundant with promises for the future of cryptocurrency. A quick Google search will show you positive headlines from thousands of crypto enthusiasts. Investment in cryptocurrencies keeps going to the Moon and beyond! If you’re planning to enter the crypto space, you should get in there as soon as you can!

Talk of digital currencies has spread throughout the mainstream. These coins continue to grow in value, and people develop more uses for these crypto assets. Still, there are risks ahead as governments seek to control cryptocurrency markets. Yet, this shouldn’t stop anyone from riding the rising crypto wave!

Every day, we find new ways of doing things to replace the old. With cryptocurrencies, we may soon use a new financial system around the globe. Everything will change sooner or later, so we should do all we can to adapt. Learn all you can think about them before they happen, and these could work to your advantage!

Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies keep growing.

Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies keep growing

A cryptocurrency is a form of virtual currency. It uses a decentralized peer-to-peer system that uses blockchain technology. The first one is Bitcoin (BTC), and it’s the biggest one nowadays.

It allows transactions that avoid the watchful eyes of financial institutions and central banks. Instead, it uses the numerous computers of the blockchain around the globe.

These computers confirm each transaction and put them on a ledger anyone can view. People include their PCs in this network and earn cryptos per confirmation. This is called crypto mining.


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Besides privacy, the crypto market has made a lot of people rich! Take Glauber Contessoto, for example. He became a millionaire in 2 months by investing in Dogecoin!

Tesla CEO Elon Musk is one of the celebrities who promote cryptos, especially Doge. His Twitter posts even cause the doggy coin’s value to shoot up!

There are more cryptocurrency exchange platforms nowadays, and they continue to grow. For instance, Coinbase now has a public listing, so investors could now buy its stock.


Since Bitcoin’s release in 2009, there are now thousands of other cryptos or altcoins out there. More initial coin offerings are coming, so the crypto market will keep getting bigger!

Looking forward to the future of cryptos

Looking forward to the future of cryptos

Investors see huge profits ahead from their crypto portfolios. Others see substantial worldwide changes beyond cryptocurrency. Either way, things are looking up!

As we said, more people are talking about bitcoin and other digital assets. They believe that it may replace fiat currencies, but this is likely to happen after ten years.

Other cryptos use technology that could be applied outside finance. Ethereum uses smart contracts that enable complicated transactions without the help of banks.

What’s more, it allows people to make non-fungible tokens (NFT). These could change the way artists make a living from their works. Here are other ways cryptos could help the world:

  • Cryptos may help progress in AsiaThe continent is embracing bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Specifically, China released the first digital currency, the digital yuan (RMB). The Philippines even has apps that let Filipinos store and trade cryptos. It has Coins and PDAX as its answer to Coinbase.
  • Some use it to hedge against inflation – Since President Nixon removed the dollar’s gold standard, inflation has gotten out of control. This may cause a financial crisis, and investors believe bitcoin could protect them from this event.
  • Bitcoin for charity – It could provide help today for the needy. Charities are checking how to use blockchain to deliver funds quickly to those who need it.
  • Your local cafe may accept Bitcoin – Cryptos could become as good and simple as paper money.
  • Connect more businesses to the world – The internet allows us to buy and sell stuff from around the world. Cryptos could enable more businesses to serve customers worldwide.
  • Out of this world crypto! – Elon Musk wants to send people to Mars in the future. He says they will never use paper money up there!

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Potential pitfalls for digital currencies like bitcoin

Potential pitfalls for digital currencies like bitcoin

Governments have also noticed the rise of these digital coins. That’s why some of them have banned its use. Others are planning regulations for cryptos and exchange platforms.

The US Securities and Exchange Commission may soon have rules on these coins. Yet, its former chairman Harvey Pitt says the SEC cannot be involved with cryptos.

Bitcoin recently crashed to record lows as investors worry about a capital gains tax increase. Some sold their coins to avoid the higher fees. Here are other ways cryptos could turn sour:

  • Governments may ban some coins and platforms – The SEC is currently fighting a legal battle against the crypto Ripple (XRP). You can’t use Coinbase and some media in a few countries.
  • Illegal activity and crypto – Still, governments have a good reason to put laws on cryptos. Some criminals use the tech to fund their activities. It would make sense to stop them by doing something about crypto.
  • The IMF might fight Bitcoin with its digital coin – World leaders may meet one day to discuss ways of fighting bitcoin. They might create a currency that can fight bitcoin and other cryptos. This could result in many investors losing potential profits.
  • Quantum computers might end cryptos – You need a potent computer to stop the blockchain. Google and China have the only quantum computers in the world. They may improve these machines to one day end the future of cryptocurrency.

How to invest in the future of cryptocurrency

How to invest in the future of cryptocurrency

Thanks to the internet, it’s easy to get into cryptos. You could choose from several platforms where you could buy and sell cryptos. Here are the steps to your future crypto profits:

  1. Pick a crypto exchange platform and create an account. Besides Coinbase, you could buy from Binance, PayPal, and other sites.
  2. Wait a bit for confirmation. Follow the site’s instructions on what to do next.
  3. Link one of your bank accounts, credit cards, or debit cards. Most of them accept Mastercard and Visa.
  4. Choose bitcoin or other cryptos you want to buy.
  5. Select the amount you need.
  6. Click the Buy button or the similar button on your platform.
  7. Wait a bit, and you’ll see your first coins on your account.

Bitcoin isn’t your only option. Coinbase and other platforms have so many altcoins you could buy too. Holding on to Litecoin (LTC) and other coins may bring even more gains!

Check the crypto prices before buying. CoinMarketCap shows how the coins are doing in real-time. It also offers other info such as market capitalization, trading volume, etc.

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Crypto mining

Buying and selling digital coins isn’t the only way to earn. To fully take part in the future of cryptocurrency, you may want to mine it too.

Your PC could be one of the machines that confirm the transactions. You’ll earn block rewards in the form of extra cryptos each time. Mining those may work differently from bitcoin, though.

You’ll need a powerful computer for your mining rig. You could buy one ready for use, or you may build a better kit.

Moreover, miners could choose to work alone or with a mining pool. You may also pay a cloud service to do it for you. Each has its pros and cons, so choose carefully.

Buy Coinbase stock

Buy Coinbase stock

On April 14, Coinbase’s public listing went live on NASDAQ. This means you can buy stocks of one of the biggest crypto platforms in the world!

Stocks work similarly to cryptos, but you should still learn more about them. For example, they don’t have the usual price fluctuations you get from bitcoin.

What’s more, you’ll need to pay taxes on stocks and other fees. You may need time to learn this. Stick with it, though, and you’ll have a new way to earn from cryptos.

Get a crypto wallet

Coinbase and other platforms may hold your bitcoins for you. These are also known as hot wallets or digital wallets. It’s okay for first-timers. Of severe traders, though, it’s not enough.

Fortunately, cold wallets or hardware wallets give the utmost protection for your crypto wallets. It keeps your private keys away from online attacks. Nobody can get to your coins without it.

Even better, crypto wallets allow you to carry those coins in style! Most of them are as small as USB thumb drives. If you want, they could be as thin as one of your credit cards!

It would help if you still were careful about your crypto wallet, though. Learn from crypto millionaire Stefan Thomas. He has around $250 million in bitcoin, but he forgot the password to his cold wallet!

Final Thoughts

The future of cryptocurrency is bright. It may one day hugely change the world. If you invest now, you’ll have a good chance of sharing its benefits.

Never put your money into anything you don’t understand. Learn all you can learn about crypto, including the terms like market cap and proof-of-work.

Also, don’t use money that you’re not willing to lose. These coins are famous for their volatility. You’ll see the prices change a lot within an hour or even a minute!

Expect a few losses on your first try. Even Facebook failed to launch its digital currency, Libra. Still, it changed the name to Diem, and it will try again this year.

In the same way, persist with your portfolio. The prices may go up and down like waves. You’ll eventually earn huge gains from your digital coins.

Learn more about the future of cryptocurrency

Is Cryptocurrency a good investment?

It’s looking good for investors as more people use cryptos. It’s causing the price of bitcoins and other coins to go up.

Which Cryptocurrency has the best future?

Bitcoin’s the first, and it’s the one that most people use. It has the best chance of growing further in the coming years.

Does Cryptocurrency replace money?

Cryptos haven’t taken over the role of paper money yet. It might happen after several years. Still, some stores allow customers to pay with bitcoin.

Will Cryptocurrency replace the US dollar?

Bitcoin hasn’t taken it over yet. Give it more years, and it might become as good as paper money. It’s good to buy some now, though!

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TAGS: Bitcoin, crypto, dogecoin, interesting topics, USFINANCE
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