CBD Gummies for Sleep | Hemp CBD Gummies for Insomnia

CBD Gummies for Sleep

08:33 AM March 16, 2020

Due to the bitter taste of CBD, some patients are unable to use it orally. CBD gummies for sleep are the best alternative for people who find pure CBD distasteful. Depending on the nature of the disease, CBD gummies might not be the most appropriate drug. For instance, illnesses like joint pain, chronic pain, or arthritis are best treated with hemp oil.

However, CBD gummies are suitable for sleep disorders such as insomnia and narcolepsy. This guide explains the nature, dosage, benefits, and types of CBD gummies for sleep.

Hemp gummies are CBD-infused candies that come in multiple forms, colors, flavors, and CBD concentrations. The idea behind the product is to make CBD usage easier for people.

CBD edibles can contain sweeteners and flavorings. However, the main ingredient is CBD.

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Gummies might not be a good option for diabetes patients, as the concentration of sugary content is often disproportionate so as to conceal the bitter taste of CBD.

What is cannabidiol or CBD?

You might be shocked once you learn what their main ingredient is. It’s a substance found in hemp or cannabis plants. Yet, it will not cause you to get “high.”

It’s tetrahydrocannabinol or THC that causes the mind-altering effects. You can find many CBD products that don’t contain this substance, but some still do.


Don’t worry because the 2018 Farm Bill ensures that CBD oil products may only have 0.3% infused in them. The limit prevents any mind-altering effects for users.

Manufacturers leave a minuscule amount of this stuff in their CBD oil products to trigger an entourage effect. It’s when interaction with materials from the same plant helps improve a product.

The question is, why even make stuff out of CBD? That’s because numerous studies have found that it has a lot of potential for health benefits.

Here are some examples:

  • Relieving pain and inflammation
  • Minimizing epileptic seizures
  • Helps people manage cancer symptoms
  • Reducing skin conditions
  • Regulating blood pressure
  • Managing diabetes
  • Improving digestion

A CBD company usually won’t sell its cannabidiol by itself. Instead, the business would combine the substance with oils from certain plants. People refer to this solution as CBD oil.

Then, the company may sell this as a tincture that people apply beneath their tongues. If not, the business would provide a wide range of regular products infused with CBD.

Examples include CBD gummy snacks, soft gel capsules, and skincare solutions. Alternatively, you may classify them according to the substances they contain.


This category covers the type of CBD product line that contains THC and other materials from hemp. Specifically, it contains all the 400 compounds from this plant.

The combination of all these substances often leads to a more potent entourage effect. In turn, full spectrum CBD products are often the most effective choice.

Just make sure you know the materials that are in your product. Confirm that your full spectrum CBD gummies stay within the 0.3% THC limit.

Look at the other ingredients as well. Your full spectrum CBD gummies may contain ingredients that may cause a negative reaction in your body.


Think of full spectrum CBD, but you remove the THC. Still, you keep the other materials such as the flavonoids, terpenes, and the other cannabinoids of the hemp plant.

It typically doesn’t contain the plant materials like wax. That’s the easiest way to describe broad spectrum CBD. The other stuff may still boost the product’s effectiveness with the entourage effect.

It’s typically not as effective as full spectrum products. Yet, this could be a good choice if you’re not sure about taking any amount of THC. Some folks pick these to stick to their diet regimens.

These are as versatile as the full spectrum options. For example, you can get broad spectrum CBD gummies and full spectrum ones too.


Other people just want to take nothing but pure CBD. In that case, they look for products with CBD isolates. As the name suggests, these are the products that contain 99% cannabidiol.

You might want to pick this one if you want an easy time following a specific dosage. You won’t have to measure the other substances in the CBD oil.

However, the isolates are often the least effective out of all the options. Unlike the spectrum alternatives, they don’t have the other materials that could set off an entourage effect.

What are CBD gummies?

cbd gummies for sleep

Now, let’s focus on a specific CBD product known as the gummy. As you may have guessed, these are like those chewy treats you enjoyed when you were a child.

Of course, you may still be enjoying them as an adult! If that’s the case, then you might be glad that you can get your CBD fix in a tasty way! After all, some might be put off with the others.

For example, some people aren’t keen on dropping CBD oil tinctures under their tongues. Some of them are flavored, but the natural texture of the oil may not be someone’s taste.

Meanwhile, a gummy can have different colors and tastes. Oil tinctures can have flavors too, but a gummy might be more fun to try. Both have different pros and cons, though.

Have you ever wondered why people drop tinctures underneath their tongues? Wouldn’t it be better if you just swallowed some instead? Taking oil tinctures this way allows the liquid to enter your bloodstream much quicker.

The downside is that their effects usually go away faster too. On the other hand, a CBD gummy often takes longer to work because your stomach has to digest it first.

The upside is that the effects often stay longer than the effects of oil drops. This is also the reason why many people use CBD gummies as a potential way to sleep better!

How do CBD sleep gummies work?

Best CBD gummies for sleep

The human body has the endocannabinoid system, and it lets cannabidiol potentially provide the various health benefits on the previous list.

CBD interacts with its CB1 and CB2 receptors that are mostly concentrated in the peripheral nervous system and central nervous system. This causes the production of serotonin.

It’s a natural substance that your body creates, specifically in the platelets, brain, and bowers. Serotonin has various functions in our bodies, especially for human mental health.

People suffering from clinical anxiety often use selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. In other words, they take prescription medications to boost their serotonin levels.

Well-known examples include Zoloft and Prozac. However, they may cause harmful side effects. Meanwhile, CBD might be able to provide the same benefits but without the risks.

Why mention anxiety in an article about sleep CBD gummies? That’s because serotonin is a well-known chemical that helps people get a good night’s sleep.

A drop of tincture may have strong effects, but they often fade quickly. Meanwhile, a CBD gummy a day tends to provide long-lasting benefits.

What is Insomnia?

If you’re having trouble sleeping, then you may have insomnia. Experts often refer to it as the failure to sleep or stay asleep. This may come with non-restorative or restless sleep.

Sometimes, people assume that it’s all about sleeping for less than advisable. If you sleep more, then you get rid of insomnia, right? No, that’s a common misconception.

Insomnia has little to do with how many hours a person sleeps. After all, people have different needs, even down to the amount of rest they need every night.

This condition depends on how a person feels after sleeping or how soundly they slept. If he still feels drowsy and exhausted even after eight hours of sleep, that’s also insomnia.

Cause of Insomnia

This could be temporary or permanent, depending on several factors. If a person has no underlying psychological or mental issues, insomnia may go away after a day or two.

Insomnia may also come from events in our daily lives. For example, you may get this condition after working hard at the office or waiting for an 8-hour flight to land.

Here are the other health conditions that may link to insomnia:

  • Trauma
  • Acid reflux
  • Kidney disease
  • Bipolar disease
  • Parkinson’s disease

CBD for Insomnia

The best CBD gummies may help you deal with this condition. That’s because it may help with the body’s regulatory processes such as sleep balance and homeostasis.

It may become more effective for treating insomnia if the cause is external. They could harm factors to a good sleep such as the sleep-wake cycle.

These factors could be any of the following conditions:

  • Stress
  • Depression
  • Irregular sleep
  • Anxiety
  • PTSD
  • Chronic pain
  • Noise in someone’s surroundings
  • The use of stimulants, such as caffeine

A study even showed the potency of CBD against anxiety. It involved 72 patients who took 25 mg of CBD capsules every day for a month. Scientists noted results as they went along.

After a month, researchers found that 79.2% of the subjects said that their feelings of anxiety lessened. Meanwhile, 66.7% noted that they experienced improved sleep.

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How Many CBD Gummies Should I Take?

You can find these gummy products a lot easier nowadays, especially if you live in the United States. Marijuana legalization continues to spread across the country.

This helps the CBD industry develop, so it can provide more quality products to consumers. That’s why you can buy one of these gummy products in various flavors and colors.

The best CBD gummies are more likely to provide the health benefits of cannabidiol. That’s why you should always look for top quality! Then, follow the recommended dose on the label.

Most of these chewy treats have 10 mg or 25 mg of CBD per piece. They often suggest taking one or two daily. See if you feel any effects after a few days.

If you don’t notice any changes after four weeks, you might want to raise the dosage by 25 mg. Then, try it again for four weeks and check for any changes.

You may stick with it until your feel better. However, you should stop immediately if you feel any unintended effects. Consult your doctor if the symptoms persist.

It would be best if you speak with a health professional first before you take any CBD product. This is especially true if you have underlying health conditions.

That’s because a physician can check various factors to properly assess your dose. Let’s take a look at some of them:


How much you weigh can affect how much CBD you can take every day. In other words, you may need to take more of the substance if you’re heavy.

This may depend on your body type, height, and other factors. These could change this general rule, so you can’t use just your weight to figure out your recommended dose.

For example, a person may weigh a lot if they have a lot of fat in their body. In that case, they may have health conditions that may alter the amount of CBD they could take.

Level of Discomfort

When people self-medicate, they often take an amount of a certain medicine based on how sick they feel. If the illness seems serious, they might take more than the recommended dose.

On the other hand, a person may take less if the condition seems manageable. If you recall, this seems similar to the previous suggestion of stopping your intake once you feel negative effects.

Again, it’s not a good idea to rely just on this factor to determine your proper dose. After all, you may sometimes experience symptoms while you’re unaware.

Why it’s best to buy CBD online

We’ve established that you’re likely to find more CBD retailers in your area. This makes it easier for you to find and buy the best CBD gummies. Yet, you might want to stick to buying them online.

Most people are used to shopping on the internet, so many of these outlets have eCommerce sites by now. From there, you can browse their product line without heading to their physical store.

They can deliver it straight to your door. The best ones provide nationwide delivery without additional costs. They can be quick too because you may often receive your order a day after placing it.

It’s a good idea to check if a third-party laboratory tested your CBD product. This means another company confirmed that your order contains the ingredients on the label.

This means the results are more likely to be free from bias, so you can see the product’s real contents. You can find these results in the Certificate of Analysis (CoA).

The customer reviews are also another great reason why it’s a good idea to buy CBD on the internet. You can easily get opinions from other people who’ve tested products from a specific CBD company.

You could find out if they liked the experience or not. You’ll learn if there are any side effects they felt that may not have been on the retailer’s website.

The reviews can also inform you about certain details outside the product line. For example, you might notice reviews ranting about the lack of proper service from a certain retail outlet.

How to find the best CBD goodies

You need to check other criteria, so you can find the perfect CBD products for you. Before you do that though, it would be best if you check local laws related to this substance.

While more US states are adopting it, some still refuse to do so. Those that did could be more lenient than others. For example, your state may require a prescription before you can buy any.

Others may require citizens to apply for a certain membership card. Then, ask about the licensed retailers from your state government. This lets you make sure that you’re buying from legit sources.

Once you’re done with those, you’re ready to browse through the CBD retail websites. Look for the ones that use plants grown from the United States.

That means that its products follow FDA standards, so you can rest assured that it’s safe. Next, look at the Certificate of Analysis.

Look for the following information on that document:

  • Dates
  • Batch number
  • Product batch
  • The lot number or the code that shows that the CoA is related to a certain product
  • Details regarding the testing method
  • Test results
  • The approval signature

See if they’re all accurate. The third-party lab that tested this product should have a website. Visit that one to see if the CoA from the store matches the one from that site.

If all the details line up, look at the ingredients that it lists. If you have allergies, see if there’s anything that might set off a negative reaction to your body.

Look out for the following chemicals:

  • Microbes – Your CBD goodies shouldn’t contain bad bacteria and similar stuff. Make sure the CoA microbe test results come out as “ND” or “none detected.”
  • Pesticides – Farmers often use certain chemicals to keep insects away from their crops. This is common even in ordinary food and other plant-based products. Still, you must make sure that your CBD product doesn’t contain too much of this.
  • Terpenes – These are common in full-spectrum and broad-spectrum products. As mentioned earlier, manufacturers leave these in their products to boost their effectiveness. Checking these is especially important if you have a medical condition or you follow a certain diet.
  • Heavy metals – Some products may have traces of toxic metals like lead, arsenic, and mercury. Your CBD gummies should not have any amount of these chemicals.

Are there side effects with using CBD sleep gummies?

Some people try such products because they may avoid adverse effects. Sadly, a lot of prescription meds are well-known for such things.

A study from the World Health Organization even says that CBD hemp oil doesn’t have an addictive quality. It even said that the human body doesn’t develop a tolerance to its effects.

This doesn’t mean that CBD can’t have side effects. We still need more studies to understand all the ways this substance can affect the body.

Here are some of the side effects that experts found so far:

  • Dry mouth
  • Diarrhea
  • Fatigue
  • Irritability
  • An increase or decrease in appetite

The chances are getting these side effects are low. Still, it would be best if you speak with your doctor about taking CBD. That way, you’re more likely to avoid unintended effects.

Buy CBD Gummies

Best CBD gummies for sleep

Are you actively searching Google for “CBD gummies for sleep near me”? We don’t just endorse any company since not all CBD companies possess reliable third-party results.

CBD is a potent medication or drug supplement for chronic pain, arthritis, HIV, terminal diseases, and especially cancer. The CBD industry has grown immensely, but the number of reliable and standard companies available remains the same.

Blosum CBD is an online store where you can get tested and trusted CBD items. They are reputable and well-known among the CBD community. Also, their third-party approvals are up to par.

Blosum CBD is one of the best California companies when it comes to CBD products. Their list of CBD products includes CBD tinctures, CBD capsules, CBD salves, and pet products.

Their mode of production differs from others, as they only use government-approved compositions. For instance, no CBD product is allowed to contain more than 0.3% THC. Blosum CBD products contain negligible amounts of THC.


In a case of stubborn insomnia, which refuses to go away in a few days, CBD gummies for sleep alone won’t eliminate the primary cause.

Such causes could range from kidney disease to cancer. CBD is a potent sleep aid and anxiety cure, especially when the cause of the anxiety and insomnia has nothing to do with a mental or psychological disorder.

Before using CBD as a dietary supplement for insomnia or anxiety, you should seek a doctor’s approval, so as to know the cause of the problem.

CBD is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent the primary causes of stubborn insomnia since such disorders could require professional medical help or surgery. To help insomnia patients fall asleep without getting high, it is necessary to buy gummies from hemp plants because of the quality of CBD extracted from hemp.

The hemp alternatives are equally good depending on the quality of the manufacturing equipment and officials. You can get the best CBD products from Blosum CBD, the perfect online CBD store for every CBD user.

Is CBD Legal? Hemp-derived CBD products (with less than 0.3 percent THC) are legal on the federal level but are still illegal under some state laws. Check your state’s laws and those of anywhere you travel. Keep in mind that nonprescription CBD products are not FDA-approved.

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