How to Focus on Yourself - 11 Nuggets of Wisdom

How to Focus on Yourself – 11 Nuggets of Wisdom

05:24 AM May 07, 2019

How to Focus on Yourself

It doesn’t matter if you’ve wandered out of your life’s path, you still have the chance to make a turnaround and learn how to focus on yourself once more. You may have lost regard or focus on yourself because you work more than one job, or you’re very busy focusing on other people’s opinion of you, hence losing focus for self. Regardless of what situation you find yourself in, it is very important to take some time out, be alone, and focus on your personal goals and dreams.

According to Julie Holmes, a life coach in New York Time City, constant self-improvement is very vital, because progress is a by-product of fulfillment. Sometimes, we feel like the more accomplishments we have, the more fulfilled we’ll feel, however, this is a lie. Given, achievements are accompanied by euphoria and a feeling of joy and happiness, but this feeling is fleeting. Learning how to focus on our personal life and growth is vital because it is accompanied by a feeling of happiness which lasts much longer, she added.

Self-improvement is constant and continuous. This will be a bit difficult to accept if you’re one that expects fulfillment after landing that dream job, or travel the world, or get a college degree or reach whatever goal you’ve set for yourself. Self-improvement lasts for a lifetime; there’s no finish line, therefore, you should accept constant change and growth. It can be a bit of a task figuring these things out yourself, so we’ve put together some tips to help you learn how to focus on yourself and stay the course on your self-improvement journey.

1. Imagine What You Want Life To Be Like

How to Focus on Yourself - 11 Nuggets of Wisdom

The first step that will get you on your journey to self-improvement is vision. You need to see yourself where you want in the next couple of months, years, and the rest of your life. Start by providing answers to these questions: “Who do I want to become in life?” Another question is, how do I want my life to look in retrospect in forty or fifty years, when I’m not so young anymore? Start now to live with that in mind, Holmes said.

2. Focus On Areas That Need Improvement

How to Focus on Yourself - 11 Nuggets of Wisdom

The next step in learning how to focus on yourself is focusing on specific aspects of your life that needs to be improved on. If you feel like you don’t have a goal, then you should focus on the five areas virtually every person needs to constantly improve: health, relationships, finances, career, and spirituality, Holmes said. She added that spirituality does not equal religion or religious beliefs, it can mean self-love – staying happy by doing what makes you happy, regardless of what people think.


3. Prioritize your life

How to Focus on Yourself - 11 Nuggets of Wisdom

Keep Your Priorities Straight: Oftentimes we lose ourselves because we fail to keep our priorities in check. Regular checkups on your priorities and goal setting will keep you on course. According to Secunda and Mark Allen on, realizing what is most important in your life goes a long way to keep you on track, as it will help you make better decisions with regards to time management and overall better life decisions. This all will help with sense of self worth as you worked towards achieving your goals.

4. Take Care Of Yourself

How to Focus on Yourself - 11 Nuggets of Wisdom

If you’re one that is overly concerned about other people’s wellbeing before yours, then you need to practice this more often. Once you’re able to achieve a balance, you will be able to live a healthier lifestyle; mentally, physically and otherwise, says Lisa Kogan on

5. Be All About That Daily Journal

How to Focus on Yourself - 11 Nuggets of Wisdom

To learn how to focus on yourself, you need to first win the mental game. You need to start documenting your thoughts. According to Maud Purcell, LCSW, CEAP, consistent writing is a confidence booster. She added that you will become more aware of your thoughts and empowered to take charge of your life.

6. Learn Something New

How to Focus on Yourself - 11 Nuggets of Wisdom

Whether it’s a skill, a sport, or even new words, don’t let a day pass without learning something. Once this becomes a part of you, you will not only get to learn new things but also feel good about yourself. According to Philip Moeller, “Education has been widely documented by researchers as the single variable tied most directly to improved health and longevity.” So get in on that, ASAP (

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7. Invest time in Meditating

How to Focus on Yourself - 11 Nuggets of Wisdom

Meditation Practice: This is the same with journaling. Meditating helps you self-check. It doesn’t have to be an entire day, taking five minutes to search yourself in a peaceful and quiet place would do you a lot of good.

8. Choose One Goal

How to Focus on Yourself - 11 Nuggets of Wisdom

Ever heard of what they say about trying to be in too many places? You end up being nowhere. When you have too many goals, you’ll probably come up short in all of them, or do them haphazardly. Therefore, you need to prioritize your goals, focus on one and do it!

9. Remember the importance of gratitude

How to Focus on Yourself - 11 Nuggets of Wisdom

Expressing Gratitude: After the day’s work, when you lay on your couch, it is important that you review your day and be grateful for what you achieved. According to Secunda and Allen, there’s always one thing to be grateful for every day that passes. “Gratitude is the ‘fix’ for boredom and discouragement while you’re on the road to becoming a better person.”

10. Keep Fun in the Equation

How to Focus on Yourself - 11 Nuggets of Wisdom

As soon as you begin your journey, and come to a decision to better yourself, everything becomes a little difficult. Always keep fun in the equation. Don’t let journaling or meditating take up your entire time. Secunda and Allen advise that you include some fun activities in the mix. The more fun you have, the more relaxed you’d feel. Also, laughter is a good medicine for the soul that will keep you relieved throughout your journey.

11. Be Patient with Yourself

How to Focus on Yourself - 11 Nuggets of Wisdom

However big or small your goals may seem, it doesn’t always happen as fast as we want it to. Be patient with yourself; give yourself time. “Remember that life is a journey, not a destination,” Holmes says. Also, learn to celebrate your little victories in the course of your journey. Don’t wait till you reach your goal to be happy.

Once you’re able to understand this, you’re already halfway to your goal because you won’t beat yourself up for too long when you come up short. And when you attain your goal, learn to stay the course and remain happy; that is primary.

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