Should I Quit My Job? the Tell-Tale Signs That Its Time to Move on
Should I Quit My Job?
You are miserable today, you’re tired of your job and you think you should quit your job. You are not satisfied at work anymore. The words ‘Job Satisfaction’ may be a new term for some, however, deciding on whether or not to quit your job has a lot to do with job satisfaction. When we think about quitting our jobs, we first think about why we want to quit our job. Are we satisfied with the work we do? Are we happy at our job? These are just a couple of thoughts in our heads when we have decided its time to quit our job.
Thinking About Quitting Your Job?
Everyone goes through this debate with themselves, some more than others. This has passed in our minds on numerous occasions. Should I quit my job? If your job isn’t living up to what you expected it to be, this is a reason to consider quitting. However, are you that fed up that you can’t take it anymore? Could you go two more weeks or until you found another job before you quit this one? Feeling like you need a new job ASAP is not really the best of reasons to quit your job.
We Are Human
As humans, we all have our days in which quitting your job never sounded better. You have a bad day and you’re throwing in the towel. We’ve been there, but is that worth quitting your job for? Maybe there is new management at work, or the turnover is really high. When you think about quitting your job, there are some things we should rationally look at before you do so. Here are several things you can do to make sure you should quit your job.
Understanding Why You’re Unhappy
Be honest with yourself. Think about what has changed at work or in your life to make you feel differently about your job. Can you control what’s going on? If you know what is happening and you can decide and either help fix the issue or quit your job. Just do not do anything on impulse.
Ask Yourself If the Source of the Unhappiness Is Temporary or Permanent in Nature
Many times, things are not clear cut, but a temporary situation may be worth not quitting your job. The downturn in the economy might affect the company, but that’s no reason to quit your job. Are you truly ready for a change and can you afford to quit your job right now? Think about something before you quit your job. If you are a parent, maybe you want to transition to work from home instead, start out slowly in this transition, give yourself some time to adjust.
Make a Pros and Cons List: Title It- ‘Staying at My Job’
Maybe you are a list person and seeing the reasons why you should quit your job in front of you, so you can analyze the real pros and cons of your job. Are you just bored at work, maybe you don’t feel passion for your job like before? Look at the negative/cons column, are these caused by your job or you? If they are changes that you need to make within yourself, you should not quit your job. Maybe ask for more responsibilities or change it up some, so you’re not bored or complacent.
Consider Browsing for Jobs While You Decide
Go ahead and get your resume ready and start looking on job sites to see if there may be something you want to apply for. Go ahead and be proactive, even if you don’t quit your job. You may need a backup plan too. The last thing you want to do is be ill-prepared if you lose your job or quit. You want to have a job lined up before this time. Go on interviews too, get yourself ready.
Do Research
If you quit your job, you must have an idea or a plan for what to do next. Maybe you want to go back to school or change your type of position altogether. You cannot be happy if you don’t have any idea what’s next after you quit your job.
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Talk It Over with Friends and Family
Your choices rarely only have an impact on you. If you are not happy in your job, job hunting, and not really making any progress, your family and loved ones will feel it. If you’re the head of the household or not, there are financial strains that we all suffer and will feel. Your work to life balance changing will definitely affect your spouse, children, family, etc. Making sure you discuss your thoughts and job ideas to your loved ones, especially spouses or roomies. If they’re used to you being home certain times, the new job may change all of that.
Be Aware That There Are No Guarantees in Life
You have decided to take the career change and quit your job. Be realistic though. It may feel like the best decision right now, but transitions are stressful and can leave you questioning the change. Initially, things may be rough, but be patient. In life we have disappointments and they happen every now and then. Just be patient, just do not make a hasty decision.
Back-Up Plan
By now, you should realize you need a backup plan. What happens if you do not get this dream job of yours? You may regret quitting your job and feel as if there is no hope. Leaving your current job doesn’t mean that you’ll find your dream job immediately. Some wait a lifetime to find that one job when they do, they have never been happier.
Pay Cut?
Are you ready for a potential pay cut? Make sure that quitting your job does not mean you will make more money. Make sure that you are prepared for a pay cut if not, signs point to staying with what you have at the time.
If you have been struggling to decide to quit your job, think about it thoroughly. You do not want to mess yourself up when you quit your job. You want to be happy, but if you quit your job, is that what will provide you with the ultimate happiness? The decision is yours.