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A 79-year-old man hit the jackpot in the Maryland Lottery, all thanks to his lucky digits—his two birthdates.
The unidentified man won $1.9 million (almost P100 million) in total earnings on May 7. He is the second to win the Multi-Match game of the local lottery.
The winner was born in Louisiana on April 21, 1939. A paperwork fluke misdated his birthday as April 23, and it was only recently that the information was corrected.
Still, he considers both dates as lucky and used them several times while playing a variety of games.
He discovered that he won a day after the results were released. The man had just gone home between work shifts.
“I was scanning the newspaper and flipped to the Lottery section first, and when I saw the numbers my eyes just grew bigger and bigger,” the lucky winner said.
He also told his wife about the news: “When I told her how much we had won, at first she didn’t believe me!”
So what does he plan to do with it? He said they would enlist the help of a financial adviser. They will also use the winnings to pay off their bills and donate to their church. /ra