Funny Pumpkin Jokes to Tell Your Friends
It’s quite difficult to explain to someone what a pumpkin joke is. So, we explain it to be a kind of hilarious pumpkin meme. This time of year, pumpkins should not be disregarded.
Jack-o-lanterns adorn porches throughout the city, and it’s clear how these orange gourds impact the occasion. Pumpkin jokes are certain to be a hit, whether on a late-night drive, at the candy shop, or rushing to throw together the perfect or not too perfect thanksgiving feast with your friends.
To help you use this precious time, we’ve compiled the funniest pumpkin jokes to induce witch-like cackles or even both during fun time with your friends.
Where exactly does a pumpkin preach?
From the pulp-it.
Why was the jack-o-lantern very forgetful?
Because he is empty-headed.
What do you call pumpkin besties?
What did the queasy pumpkin say?
I don’t feel so gourd.
What did the pumpkin say after Thanksgiving?
Good pie, everyone.
What’s black, orange, white, and waddles?
Penguin with a pumpkin.
What was Cinderella’s reaction when her carriage turned into a pumpkin?
Oh, my gourd!
Why do people have jack-o-lanterns sitting on their porches?
Because they don’t have the guts to knock on the door.
What did the pumpkin tell its carver?
Cut it out!
What do surfers say on Halloween?
Gourd vibes only, bro.
How do you mend a jack-o-lantern?
With a pumpkin patch.
What do you call an athletic pumpkin?
A jack-o-lantern.
How do pumpkins listen to Halloween music?
On vine-yl.
What’s the pumpkin’s favorite Western?
The Gourd, The Bad, and The Ugly.
Where do pumpkins hold their meetings?
In the gourdroom.
What name do you call a pumpkin working at the beach?
A life gourd.
What’s a pumpkin’s favorite genre?
Pulp fiction.
What does a pumpkin use to repair its pants?
A pumpkin patch!
Why was the jack-o-lantern scared to cross the road?
It had no guts!
What did one pumpkin say to the pumpkin who asked where the patch was?
Ah, a talking pumpkin!
What’s the ratio of a pumpkin’s diameter to its circumference?
Pumpkin pi.
What is a pumpkin’s favorite sport?
Who helped the baby pumpkin cross the road?
The crossing gourd.
What do pumpkins say at happy hour?
Let’s get smashed.
What did the jack-o’-lantern say to its barber?
Surprise me!
How do you repair a broken jack o’ lantern?
Use a pumpkin patch.
Why was Cinderella sticky at the ball?
Because she went there in a pumpkin!
How do pumpkins get to the roof?
They use a jack-o-ladder.
Why did the jack-o-lantern fail in school?
Someone had scooped its brains out.
What do jack-o-lanterns in the city call backwoods pumpkins?
Country Bumpkins.
Who does a jack-o-lantern fear?
The fairy godmother, because she will transform him back into a pumpkin.
Why do jack-o-lanterns claim to be spiritual?
Because he had an inner light
How did the jack-o-lantern win the STEM challenge?
A light instantly went on in his head!
Why are they named Jack-o-lanterns?
Because Jill rolled down the hill!
What kind of romance do pumpkins enjoy?
A mushy romance.
What are the most adorable pumpkins called?
They are gourdgeous.
Why do jack-o-lanterns sit on the porch?
Because they have no hands to open the front door.
What’s orange and goes “choo choo”?
A pumpkin in train-ing.
Why did the pumpkin cross the road?
Because it fell off the wagon.
What do pumpkin pies say after a big meal?
“That was filling.”
What do cats and pumpkins have in common?
They both sit and wait on the porch for you to return home.
What do you call an obese pumpkin?
A plumpkin.
Why don’t pumpkins get into arguments?
Because they have no stomach for fighting.
Who is the supreme leader of all pumpkins?
The Pumpking!
What did the farmers say when their gourds were nowhere to be found?
There’s pumpkin strange happening here.
These jokes will keep you laughing all year. In a twinkle of an eye, Santa will be coming to town, and you will be hosting friends and families. To enjoy this time together, try some of these pumpkin jokes.
It is enough fun when you hit your friends with these hilarious puns and one-liners. So, this article has provided enough pumpkin jokes to impress your friends and family and give that good vibes.