The Better Alternative: Why people are using CB2 Oil for Soothing Effect

Better Alternative to CBD: Why people are Using CB2 Oil for its Soothing Effect

/ 07:57 PM July 26, 2022

In recent times, people have been choosing CB2 Oil to provide relief rather than hemp oil or CBD Oil. The question is: Why is CB2 better than CBD? 

Occasionally, people tend to assume CB2 oil and CBD oil are the same products. This false assumption is due to the fact that they both target the same system in the body, the endocannabinoid system. CBD oil is directly obtained from the leaves, stalks, and flowers of the Hemp plant. At the same time, CB2 oil is a blend of terpenes which are technically the essential oils from hemp and other plants. “For our products, we extract these terpenes from non-cannabis sources to comply with the Cannabis Act (Canadian regulations for the legal cannabis market),” confirmed Dr. Lee Know, the creator of CB2 oil.

Lately, people prefer the use of CB2 Hemp Seed Oil to CBD Oil. They seem to prefer the former’s beneficial effects on their health. Read on to discover the reasons for CB2 Oil’s preferential selection. 

What is CB2 Oil?

What is CB2 Oil?

CB2 oil, also known as CB2 Hemp Seed Oil, is a nutritious and therapeutic oil obtained from the seeds of the hemp plant called Cannabis sativa, which is then infused with CB2 terpene oil. It functions as a natural pain and anxiety relief solution when used as a medicinal supplement.  

CB2 Hemp Seed Oil contains many incredible nutrients including powerful essential fatty acids. These omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids include GLA (the same beneficial nutrient in evening primrose oil), a unique omega-3 called SDA (which is often considered the best non-marine form of omega-3), antioxidants, and vitamin E.

Note that CB2 Hemp Seed oil produces no intoxicating effect commonly found in the cannabis plant. This is due to an absence or low concentration of THC in CB2 Oil. But how is this possible? Surely, you’re thinking using a cannabis product without its psychoactive properties is strange. 


This lack of intoxication is because CB2 Oils target only the CB2 receptors of the endocannabinoid system (ECS). By activating the CB2 receptors and not the CB1 receptors, your body doesn’t experience a “high” effect. Therefore, you obtain the medicinal benefits of cannabis without getting high. 

What are the benefits of CB2 Hemp Seed Oil? 

CB2 Oil provides many health benefits to you. It also provides natural health solutions to ailments such as pain, anxiety, and sleep-related problems. 

Here are the benefits of CBD Hemp Seed Oil:

It provides anti-inflammatory effects.

The fatty acids present in CB2 Hemp Seed Oil help reduce inflammation in your body. Inflammation usually hampers your body’s healing and increases your risk of having diseases. 

It also relieves inflammatory conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), rheumatoid arthritis, and multiple sclerosis. 

Improves your skin.

Improves your skin.

One sweet health benefit of CB2 Hemp Seed Oil is its ability to treat skin conditions. It is commonly used in beauty products due to its contribution to the health of your skin. 

Dermatology studies have found that hemp-derived oil treats the symptoms of acne. Also, studies have claimed hemp seed oil eases the symptoms of eczema. In addition to this, research claims it also treats psoriasis and lichin planus. 

This effect of Hemp Seed Oil is due to its fatty acids and vitamins. Therefore, the daily use of CB2 Hemp Oil helps to reduce blemishes. 

Supports your heart health.

The gamma-linolenic acids contained in the hemp-derived oil help lower your cholesterol levels. Including hemp seed oil in your diet reduces low-density lipoprotein (LDL) in your body. 

LDL is also called “bad” cholesterol as it puts you at risk of succumbing to stroke and heart diseases. With a daily intake of CB2 oil, you’re at a reduced risk of failing to these ailments. 

Helps lower high blood pressure.

A daily intake of hemp-derived oil helps lower high blood pressure when used with medication. Due to the presence of essential fatty acids such as Omega-3, your hypertension medication works better. 

Acts as natural pain relief. 

A major health benefit of CB2 Hemp Seed oil is its ability to reduce pain. Its anti-inflammatory effects aid in easing pain. Many users report its pain-relieving effects are equal to or even greater than CBD (although in the end, as with any therapeutic product, how it works for you depends on whether it’s a fit for your body and physiology).

The great news is that because CB2 Hemp Seed Oil doesn’t have any negative interactions with other medications, it’s perfectly safe to take with your other pain medications if needed.

Supports mental health. 

Supports mental health. 

CB2 Hemp Seed Oil supports mental health by treating depression symptoms and reducing anxiety. It also improves your cognitive function, such as memory performance. Additionally, it treats age-related cognitive decline. 

Boosts immune function.

Hemp Seed Oil boosts your immune health by directly activating CB2 receptors on the immune system cells as well as aiding the synthesis of endocannabinoids. These compounds enhance your immune system, and therefore, regular intake of CB2 oil functions as an immune-boosting supplement for your body.

Eases PMS and Menopausal symptoms.

Studies have found Hemp seed Oil to alleviate the symptoms of menopause, such as hot flashes. It also eases symptoms of PMS such as menstrual cramps due to the effects of GLA and terpenes in CB2 oil. CB2 oil, therefore, can be seen as a hormonal balancer.

9 reasons why CB2 Oil is a better choice than CBD Oil

CB2 Oil is a better alternative to CBD. Although they are both hemp-derived oils, they’re sourced from different parts of the cannabis plant. But what makes CB2 oil better than CBD? Let us take a look at 9 reasons that answer this question:

1. CB2 Oil promptly activates the CB2 receptor in the Endocannabinoid System.

 CB2 Oil promptly activates the CB2 receptor in the Endocannabinoid System.

Activation of CB2 receptors is where the vast majority of benefits come from when talking about cannabis and the body’s endocannabinoid system, and CB2 oil is a direct activator of these receptors. CBD, on the other hand, does NOT activate any cannabinoid receptors, and specifically, does not activate CB2 receptors.

2.  CB2 Oil possesses better bioavailability than CBD Oil. 

The terpenes in CB2 oil possess better bioavailability than hemp-derived CBD Oil. But what does bioavailability mean, and how does it concern you? 

The bioavailability of a nutrient is its effective absorption in your body. In simpler terms, it represents the fraction of a nutrient absorbed into your body’s system. Also, it plays a big role in determining how well the nutrient will succeed in your body. 

CB2 Oil has a better absorption rate than CBD Oil. Essentially, it works better for your body when compared to CBD Oil. 

3. CB2 Oil has a better success rate than CBD Oil.

Due to the two reasons explained above, CB2 Oil has a better success rate than CBD Oil. It’s estimated that CB2 Oil has a 60-70% success rate compared to CBD Oil’s 33% success rate. 

For every 3 persons who use CB2 Oil, it will work in at least 2 persons. For every 3 persons who use CBD Oil, it will work for at least one person. 

4. CB2 Oil has a 100% GRAS status making its consumption safe.

Every ingredient used in CB2 Oil has a Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) status. This certification by the FDA means it is safe to consume as a food ingredient. For an ingredient approved as GRAS, it must pass enough safety studies. 

However, unlike CB2 Oil, CBD Oil does not have a GRAS status, since it lacks enough safety data. Therefore, CBD oil isn’t deemed safe to consume by the U.S. FDA. Additionally, the FDA in the U.K. and E.U. are reviewing the safety of CBD products. 

This reason serves as a major explanation for people’s preference for CB2 Oil over hemp-derived CBD products. 

5. An Ingredient possessing a GRAS Status doesn’t mean it’s safe for dogs; however, CB2 Oil is safe for dogs.

An Ingredient possessing a GRAS Status doesn’t mean it’s safe for dogs; however, CB2 Oil is safe for dogs.

A food ingredient being safe for humans to consume doesn’t mean it’s safe for dogs to consume. As most CBD products lack a GRAS status, they also haven’t been proven safe for dogs. 

However, CB2 Oil is an exception. Its ingredients are safe for human and dog consumption. This occurrence is due to proper research to gather enough scientific evidence on its safety. 

Unlike Hemp CBD items without proper safety data on its toxicology, CB2 provides an organic hemp seed oil product that is approved by health regulators in Canada, Australia, and South Korea, and approved as a Veterinary Health Product for both pain and anxiety (as well as overall health.) 

6. CB2 is safe for employees and athletes who undergo regular drug testing.

Everyone knows cannabis use usually produces a “high” effect. A significant number of Hemp Oil products contain an undisclosed amount of THC. Additionally, pure CBD, called CBD isolate, eventually breaks down into compounds that can return a positive test for THC use. 

Does this occurrence mean any use of the Cannabis sativa plant will lead to implications? The answer to this question is no. The difference between hemp products known as CB2 and CBD is the absence of THC in the former. Clearly, you will find a higher dose of THC in CBD products. 

Therefore, you don’t have to worry about testing positive for cannabis use by using CB2 oils. 

7. CB2 Oil does not interfere with your medication use.

CB2 Oil does not interfere with your medication use.

Hemp Oil, also known as CBD Oil, interferes with your drug use. In simpler terms, using CBD products with your medication can cause adverse drug interactions. However, CB2 Oil produces no known interference with drug use, according to reports. 

8. CB2 Oil has a legal international travel status.  

You can travel across international borders with CB2 Oil. Most countries ban the use of cannabis and its products.

9. CB2 is more affordable than most CBD Oils.

CB2 Oils are a cheaper alternative to CBD products. People, who require CBD for therapeutic use, require about 50-70mg daily. Additionally, most cannabidiol oils tend to falsely state the amount of CBD present in each bottle. This means, according to multiple studies, most people are paying for a certain amount of CBD, but getting far less and sometimes none at all! Making CB2 oil an effective, yet economical, alternative to CBD oils.

Where to buy CB2 Oils.

Where to buy CB2 Oils.

Buying CB2 Oils isn’t a difficult process. There are several merchants of CB2 Oils.

Here are three CB2 Oils you should check out:

For more benefits of Hemp Seed Oil, visit Cannanda


CB2 Oils aren’t simply a better alternative to CBD Oil because of their prices. They are more effective and safer to consume for you and your dogs. Also, they provide a more ethical use of cannabis than any CBD oil or CBD gummy product. 

Obviously, you don’t need more reasons to see why CB2 Oils are the preferred alternatives to cannabis or CBD products. So, you can head over to to purchase your own CB2 oils today. 


Can I use CB2 Oils with my medications? 

Yes, CB2 Oils are safe to use with medications. 

Is CB2 Hemp Seed Oil the same as regular Hemp Oil? 

Although there are similarities in both Hemp Seed Oils, CB2 Oils are terpene-infused for CB2 receptor activation. 

Also, CB2 Oils have undergone many safety procedures in their production to make them safe for human consumption. 

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TAGS: CBD, CBD Oil, cbdads
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