Fil-Am films Las Vegas neighbor hurling racist rant at him

WATCH: Woman unleashes racist rant on Filipino neighbor in Las Vegas. YOUTUBE
LAS VEGAS – A Filipino American homeowner here videotaped a woman neighbor who hurled a racist rant at him after they argued over fallen leaves she accused him of blowing onto her side of their shared cul-de-sac.
When the neighbor tells Dexter Manawat began filming when the neighbor told him to “go back where you came from.”
The neighbor said he came “from some piece of shit, fucking ghetto living under a tarp piece of shit land.” She also called him “like orange savages” and “one fucking generation out of the jungle, like loin cloth wearers.”
Manawat told her sarcastically, “You’re going to be so popular, I love it,” as he filmed. “Nobody cares about you,” she replied. “Go make some more trashy babies. ” She also accused him of having never seen fire before. “Your women coming to America and sucking up our resources,” she said.
Manawat posted the video on his Facebook page, where it received several thousand views, but he decided to take it down for humanitarian regard for the neighbor and because he doesn’t want his family to be known just for the incident.
The unidentified neighbor later told local TV news she’s not racist. “I stooped to the lowest possible denominator to hurt someone because I was angry. What I said wasn’t right. I wasn’t raised that way.”