Congressional Gold Medal nat’l gala set for WWII Filvets
WASHINGTON, DC – More than 20 World War II living Filipino and American veterans who fought in the Philippines during WWII, will be given the Filipino Veterans of World War II Congressional Gold Medal, per Public Law 114-265.
Surviving family members and other designated family representatives of veterans will also be in attendance on Wednesday, October 25 at the Ritz Carlton Hotel, 1700 Tysons Blvd., Tysons Corner, McLean, Virginia.
The Congressional Gold Medal Ceremony will be held earlier in the day at the Emancipation Hall of Capitol Hill, where Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI), Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), and Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) will be witnessing the official presentation. Call Capitol Hill’s respective media gallery for the CGM ceremony’s accreditation.
Presentation of Congressional Gold Medal Replicas to veterans and families will be at 4:00 p.m.; Cocktail Reception at 6:30 p.m.; Gala Dinner & Program at 7:30 p.m.
The Congressional Gold Medal (CGM) is an award bestowed by the U.S. Congress. Since the American Revolution, U.S. Congress has commissioned gold medals as its highest expression of national appreciation for distinguished achievements and contributions.
Other invited guests: members of Congress, representatives of the U.S. Mint, Department of Defense, Embassy of the Philippines and Philippine government officials, national supporters, Veterans’ advocacy organizations, and corporate patrons. Filipino artist, Martin Nievera (also known as “Concert King of the Philippines”) will be performing.
Organized and Sponsored by: The Filipino Veterans Recognition and Education Project (FilVetREP): a nonpartisan, 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, community-based, all-volunteer advocacy group working to promote the national recognition of Filipino and American WWII soldiers across the United States and the Philippines for their wartime service to the U.S. and the Philippines from July 26, 1941 to December 31, 1946.
For interested media to be credentialed for this private and by-invitation-only event, please RSVP no later than Tuesday, October 23 to Margaret Lacson-Ecarma, Only credentialed media will be allowed to attend this event. For more information about the National Gala, including the Congressional Gold Medal ceremony, please visit