How to convert HEIC to JPG on Mac
Did you know more people are searching how to convert HEIC to JPEG on Mac recently? The former is the new image file format for the latest iPhones. However, you can’t transfer them to Mac devices running older iOS versions. If you got a new iPhone 12, it’s probably why you can’t back up those selfies!
We’ll explain how to convert HEIC to JPG for Mac computers. What’s more, we’ll explain alternate conversion methods. Similar to PC, alternative conversion methods are available, including other applications and commands. We’ll even discuss additional troubleshooting tips and tricks, like how to right-click on Mac!
People need to understand their devices so that they can maximize their functionality. Learning how to convert HEIC to JPG on Mac lets you use Apple devices to the fullest. More importantly, these basic commands could prevent unfortunate technical difficulties. You don’t want your tech failing you at work or school!
Why is converting HEIC files to JPG on Mac an issue?
If you purchased Apple’s new flagship phone, it’s saving photos as HEIC files. It’s the new file image format introduced in the macOS High Sierra and iOS 11 software updates.
Apple adopted HEIC images as their industry standard because they have better compression than JPG files. have smaller file sizes while retaining the same visual quality.
Unfortunately, the High-Efficiency Image Container format is not supported by most PCs. Even Apple devices using old software may not recognize the new HEIC format.
As a result, iPhone users couldn’t transfer their images after testing its improved camera. Soon, more people searched for methods of converting HEIC images into the JPG format.
Contrary to popular belief, this technical issue is far from trivial. Some students failed their AP tests recently because their college board couldn’t use the new iPhone image format.
If they only knew how to convert HEIC files to JPG before the test!
Convert HEIC files to JPG, step-by-step
Using Photos, Mac’s image viewing and editing app:
1. From your Photos library, select the HEIC pictures you’d like to convert.
2. In the menu bar, select File, then Export, and then Export Photos.
3. Toggle all your desired options for the new JPG photos.
4. Click Export.
Using Mac’s Preview app:
1. Open any HEIC image using Preview.
2. Click File, and then Export, found in the menu bar
3. Select JPG in the drop-down format menu. Adjust other settings if necessary.
4. Click Save.
Using Mac’s Automator app:
1. Open Automator.
2. Click New Document.
3. Click Quick Action, and then select Choose.
4. Select the Copy Finder Items action, then double-click it.
5. Select the folder where you want to save the converted JPG images.
6. Click the Change Type of Images action and double-click it as well.
7. Choose JPG from the drop-down menu.
8. Select File, and then click Save.
9. Assign a name for your Quick Actions (e.g., convert HEIC to JPG on Mac).
Other options to try
You have third-party programs that could help you convert image formats. For example, you could download Setapp to gain access to their proprietary apps.
Converting with the Permute app:
1. Launch the Permute app from Setapp.
2. Drag and drop your HEIC photos onto Permute.
3. Click Start to convert HEIC files to JPG on your Mac.
4. Select Show In Finder to access your JPG images.
Even better, your iPhone camera could automatically save images as JPG instead of HEIC:
1. Open Settings, then Camera.
2. Select Formats.
3. Choose Most Compatible.
4. If you want to revert to capturing HEIC pictures, select High Efficiency.
Artists and photographers love the JPG format since they could easily modify the metadata. You could still do it on HEIC, but Setapps’s MetaImage makes it much more comfortable!
Troubleshoot issues
If you still can’t convert your HEIC files to JPG on Mac, there might be other problems. Check the cable or port you’re using.
Try using another cable to import those HEIC pictures to your Mac. Also, you may connect it to another port on your Apple computer.
If the problems persist, check the models and the software version. You may have to update your iPhone or Mac software or buy new Apple devices.
The new Apple devices save images in the HEIC format. Unfortunately, it made them incompatible with other devices, interfering with peoples’ professional and school work.
In response, many of them searched how to convert HEIC files to JPG on Mac. Their Macs have built-in apps that could help them. Also, they could use third-party programs.
What’s more, these apps could reduce JPG file sizes and perform other functions. However, they could simply set their cameras to save photos as JPG files automatically.
If these steps don’t work, perhaps your cables or ports are malfunctioning. Switch them around to see which ones will allow you to convert HEIC files to JPG on your Mac.
You may try to update your Apple software online to fix the issue. If all else fails, this could be your perfect excuse to grab new Apple products!