How to Lose Weight Fast
Step one stop Eating…. Just kidding. We must eat, nutrition must be placed in our bodies for it to go about its daily functions. So how does one lose weight fast?
Weight loss has to be one of the most sought out topics of all time. Everybody is searching for that special pill or trick. When it doesn’t have one unless you decide to do surgery. Which allows you to lose a lot of weight overnight. However, with improper eating habits, you’ll gain it all back.
Your best option. Seek sustainable habits. Everyone loses weight and gains weight differently. It’s not an exact science. What may work for me may not work for you and vice versa. It depends on you, your all-round determination and persistence, to achieve your goal of weight loss.
However, if your seeking, how to lose weight quickly for a special occasion, you’ve come to the right article.
How to Lose 10 Pounds of Weight in a Week
Disclaimer: some of these methods are not recommended to be used for extended periods of time. Also, most of the weight lost during this period of time is usually water weight and will come back once you return to eating normally.
- Follow a Low-Calorie Diet – losing weight really boils down to calories in vs calories out.
The fewer calories you intake will equal fewer calories your metabolism has to burn off.
- Avoid Sugary Beverages and Food- this automatically cuts out calories without having to think too hard about it.
Sugar spikes insulin levels, and when too much insulin is in your blood it converts fat.
- Eat Low Carb Foods – this is a great short term option.
Carbs hold onto unnecessary water, water equates to extra weight.
For weight loss, you must always watch your carb intake.
- Detox – this gets rid of unwanted toxins and waste in your body.
Unwanted waste equal to less weight carried around.
- Avoid Salt – salt or sodium also encourages water retention.
This unwanted water retention leads to bloating.
Avoiding bloating will assist in giving you a more lean appearance.
- Do HIIT – high-intensity interval training (HIIT) helps to keep your metabolism elevated, which burns more calories.
HIIT is a short quick workout that gives you the most effectiveness and as little time possible.
- Intermittent Fast – this method of fasting helps to reduce insulin levels and burn fat.
While only restricting your eating window.
You can fast on alternate days or for a couple of hours each day, once it more than 12 hours because that’s when fat burning starts.
- Don’t Eat Junk Food – junk foods are high calorie, high carb, high sugar, high in just about anything you can think of.
It’s best to avoid these altogether or eat them as a treat, not an everyday meal.
These foods encourage weight gain and really need to be avoided for ideal weight loss.
- Drink Water – I know you might be trying to avoid water retention, but not drinking enough water can cause the body to go into dehydration mood, in which it holds on to all the water it can get.
Adding on those unwanted pounds.
- Eat High Protein-protein helps to satisfy hunger.
Eating high protein will help you avoid hunger pains by making you feel full longer.
As well as it helps with muscle retention and recovery.
Protein also takes longer to digest and more calories are used to digest it.
There are tips on how to lose weight in a week. However, the best weight loss occurs out of habit. Something that can be implemented and used for an extended period of time.
The Best Superfoods to Lose Weight
Have a Healthy Eating Plan – as the saying goes, “abs are made in the kitchen.” This statement is very true. What you feed your body is what you get out of it.
Opt to Eat High Lean Proteins in Every Meal Such As:
- Beef
- Fish
- Chicken
- Legumes (peas)
Have Fruits and Nuts as Snacks Such As:
- Apple
- Grapes
- Bananas
- Almonds
- Cashews
Eat Lots of Vegetables Such As:
- Broccoli
- Cauliflower
- Lettuce
- Carrot
They are low carb and very filling.
These are the keys to the best weight loss diet.
A balanced diet where you get all the nutrition you need is essential.
Tips to Lose Weight fast
- Portion Control – make sure your portion sizes aren’t too large.
Most people overeat when eating out because restaurant portions are a lot larger than the recommended portion.
- Ensure that each meal has the right amount of protein, fats, and carbs.
So that you don’t sacrifice nutrition.
- Increase Physical Activity – It can be cardio, weight lifting or HIIT.
An increase in physical activity burns extra calories no matter what the activity may be.
- Lift Weights – this doesn’t make you bulky however it does help with muscle retention.
The more muscle you retain the greater boost your metabolism gets when your body is in a rested state.
- Count Your Calories – it is not necessary, however, it’s a good practice.
Doing so will help you control and know your calories in vs calories out.
Giving you a better understanding of what you place in your body.
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Methods to Reach your Goal Faster:
- Drink Tea or Coffee – the caffeine found in green tea and coffee have shown to boost metabolism.
And we know a boosted metabolism burns more calories which leads to less weight.
- Weigh Yourself – it can be done daily, weekly or monthly.
This provides you with an overview of your progress.
Better to know if you are on or off the track towards your goal.
For added benefit invest in a scale with the body fat percentage calculator so that you have a more holistic view.
- Measure Yourself – this is another method of tracking your progress.
It can be effective alone or paired with weighing oneself.
- Get Enough Sleep – Sleep is important for the body to rest and recuperate.
A rested body carries out its functions better than one that’s not.
Having adequate rest aids muscle recovery and digestion.
Two essential activities that assist in weight loss.
- Reduce Stress – high-stress levels have been shown to cause overeating and weight gain.
By reducing the stress you’ll reduce these occurrences.
- Eat More Fiber – fiber helps the body feel full faster as well as assists in bowel movements.
If you are having trouble getting enough fiber in your diet.
You can take fiber supplements such as glucomannan, a soluble fiber that absorbs water.
- Chew Slowly – chewing and enjoying your food can lead to fullness faster than eating quickly.
Your brain takes some time to register that the stomach is full.
Therefore eating too quickly may cause you to go back for seconds and overeating, while just enjoying your food is the better option.
- Don’t Diet, Eat Healthily – the mind is a powerful thing. If you think you’re dieting, then that means you’re thinking of short term solution for a long term problem or you’re depriving yourself of something for a short while.
- But if you seek to eat healthily and aim to be healthier then you’re nourishing your body with the right foods, instead of depriving it.
Making weight loss flow easier.
- Keep Healthy Foods Around – it’s much easier if have healthy options at your fingertips rather than unhealthy ones if you become hungry.
Easy to pack healthy snacks include fruits, nuts, and carrot sticks.
- Use Smaller Plates – the plate size helps you eat less without much effort.
Tricking the mind to thinking you’re having a full plate and you should be full afterward.
There you have it all the tips and tricks for the fastest way to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight.