Facts About CBD and Anxiety
If you’ve done any research on CBD you will have found that it’s often linked to anxiety. CBD for Depression and Anxiety are frequently talked about in the medical industry and the popularity of discussion about the pair is only rising.
CBD has actually been around for quite a long time. Did you know Queen Victoria used CBD-rich cannabis for menstrual cramps all the way back in the 19th century? Before we dive into CBD facts, you might want to know what CBD is. Cannabidiol, also known as CBD for short, is one of at least 113 cannabinoids found in cannabis.
You can consume it in a variety of different forms, including both pills and oils. Read on to find out some popular facts about CBD and how it’s tied to anxiety.
The Body Naturally Processes CBD
The human body actually contains a system specifically for cannabinoids. The parts of the body responsible for making sure your internal balance is maintained is called the endocannabinoid system. One of the main jobs for this system is homeostasis, which is fundamentally your body maintaining a stable equilibrium through numerous psychological processes. When you take CBD, it can help regulate many different things such as sleep, appetite, physical pain, anxiety, depression, and even epileptic seizures. Cannabinoids work similarly to SSRIs, which are prescription anti-anxiety and anti-depression medications.
Let us compare the side effects of CBD to an SSRI.
CBD Side Effects
One of the biggest differences when comparing cannabinoids and SSRIs are side effects. While an SSRI has several more and definitely more severe side effects than cannabinoids, CBD can still induce some unpleasant physiological reactions. Though they don’t happen all that often, here are the most common ones:
- Dry Mouth
- Headache
- Vomiting
- Change in Mood
- Change in Appetite
- Low Blood Pressure
- Dizziness
As always, consult your doctor before starting or switching over to CBD for your anxiety or any health issues. Never stop taking an SSRI without permission from a medical professional.
Types of CBD for Anxiety
There are many different forms in which you can take CBD to ease your anxiety. The most common two are pills and oils. If you live in a state where it’s legal, you can venture into nearly any dispensary and see the array of CBD products they carry.
You will find things such as CBD pre-roll joints, edibles, beverages, tinctures, pills and even CBD for pets. From experience, if you let the staff know that you’re interested in trying CBD for anxiety, then I’m sure they’ll point you in the right direction and answer questions you may have.
If you try one item and it doesn’t work for you, give another type a shot. Oils and tinctures are considered to be some of the more popular means of consumption, while also being known for a more rapid onset of effects. Most people take the oil by placing it under the tongue and waiting while it absorbs. Doing so on an empty stomach can help you feel relief in as little as 20 minutes.
CBD & Anxiety Dosing
There are factors like your age, weight, what you’re taking it for and the severity of what you’re taking it for, that play into what your dosage should be. It has been suggested that you can find dosing from your doctor or the manufacturer of the CBD itself.
Something to ease your anxiety about trying CBD is that it doesn’t have the psychoactive compound known as THC so you won’t feel “high” or intoxicated when you use it. If you are taking too much, your body will show you by making you nauseous or dizzy. When feeling any negative effects, lower your dose as soon as you can to better assist your anxiety or ailments.
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CBD for Anxiety Studies
In 2013, there was a study on mice using CBD. They found that when the mice took the supplement repeatedly, it triggered the hippocampal neurogenesis. The hippocampus is a part of our brain responsible for cognitive behavior and memory.
If you have major depression or anxiety and struggle with irrational thinking or memory issues this could be because your hippocampus is actually smaller than normal. So, by the CBD triggering the hippocampal neurogenesis, it is responsible for restoring and rebuilding neurons in the hippocampus of the rats.
In 2007, there was a study published by Chemistry & Biodiversity that gave credit to all the positive psychological and physical effects CBD has after repetitive administering.
CBD and Brain Disorders
So, not only can CBD help you alleviate your anxiety, it can help you with a slew of other mental health issues. CBD has been tested and can provide relief from the following:
- Social Anxiety
- Stress
- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Insomnia
- Depression
- Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Along with these separate issues, it can help with such things as insomnia due to anxiety, or stress from depressive episodes.
Final Words
If you haven’t tried CBD for your anxiety, this article might have given you some ideas for you to bring up with your doctor. It can be an effective way to help ease these negative feelings in your life and assist with any mood disorders you may have.
Again, don’t be afraid to try different intake forms like tinctures, gummy bears for long term use. Medical cannabis is a good alternative but if you are looking for an alternative away from medical marijuana high. High CBD levels may trigger a false positive on a drug test but easily explained on the full spectrum of usage according to your medical conditions.
Is CBD Legal? Hemp-derived CBD products (with less than 0.3 percent THC) are legal on the federal level but are still illegal under some state laws. Check your state’s laws and those of anywhere you travel. Keep in mind that nonprescription CBD products are not FDA-approved.
Published February 15, 2019; Updated February 20, 2020