PH is 13th most populous country in the world – World Bank

The Philippines’ population is the 2nd highest in Southeast Asia | Photo by Joseph Chan on Unsplash
A few months ago, the Commission on Population and Development (CPD) announced that it revised its projection for the Philippines’ population count in 2023. The agency had adjusted its initial estimate from 115 million to 112 million due to the “drop in the number of births and high mortality rates.”
However, recent data from the World Bank suggests that the CPD’s original projection might be more accurate than the revised one.
PH among the only two SEA nations in the top 15
As of 2022, the Philippines stands as the second most populous country in Southeast Asia, with about 115 million inhabitants spanning over an area of more than 300,000 square kilometers.
The recent data also positions the archipelago as the 13th largest nation by population in the world—and one of only two Southeast Asian countries that made the top 15. (It trails behind Indonesia, which ranks fourth overall.)
Indonesia | Photo by Mufid Majnun on Unsplash
Near parity of males to females
Interestingly, the demographic makeup of the Philippines shows an almost equal division between genders: over 58 million males and nearly 57 million females.
Out of these inhabitants, approximately 35 million are children aged 0 to 14 and 74 million individuals are aged 15 to 64. (Note: Over 47 million of those in the latter age bracket are part of the labor force.) Meanwhile, the elderly population—aged 65 and above—accounts for six million.
The World Bank data also reveals a decline in the overall life expectancy of Filipinos. Females have an (average) life expectancy of 71 years, while the male population lags slightly behind at 67.
In general, Filipinos are expected to live 69 years on average—an apparent decrease from the previous findings’ life expectancy of 71 years.
India remains the most populous country
India | Photo by Lewis J Goetz on Unsplash
India (still) reigns as the most populous country in the world—leading with a staggering 1.4 billion population count. China follows in close second, while the United States emerges third.
Indonesia then comes in fourth with about 275 million inhabitants, followed by Pakistan, Nigeria, Brazil, Bangladesh, Russian Federation, and Mexico. Meanwhile, Japan and Ethiopia rank 11th and 12th, with the Arab Republic of Egypt and the Democratic Republic of Congo claiming the 14th and 15th spots.