Fil-Am community college students in San Diego will soon be able to get free textbooks
A federal grant will fund $975,000 for zero-cost textbooks. The San Diego Community College District has received the fund to expand the free online textbook program. They are also planning to accommodate 20 courses in areas with higher demands. With these latest efforts, the Fil-Am community will also benefit significantly.
This move will spare Fil-Am students from buying expensive books for their courses. Since 1978, textbook prices have increased more than 800%. The expenses of the textbooks alone can be an educational barrier, especially to mid-earning Fil-Am families.
Thanks to the federal grant, 60,000 students attending San Diego City, Mesa, and Miramar Colleges will be the beneficiaries. It’s the latest project of the community college district to reduce the cost of students’ textbooks. Officials say that more often, the prices of textbooks exceed the cost of tuition fees. The tuition fees cost $46 per unit.
Moreover, the money will also be allotted to create more no-cost textbook courses using accessible digital materials. The college district will label the educational materials they produced under the grant with a Creative Commons license. This means individuals in all states will have free access.
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SDCCD Chancellor Dr. Carlos O. Cortez said, “The cost of buying textbooks can often be more than our students are paying to take classes at our colleges. Offering more zero-textbook-cost classes is part of our district’s commitment to ensuring all students have access to education.”
According to the College Board, an average two-year public college student’s book and supplies expenses amount to $1460. Most of the San Diego community college students are already undergoing economic struggles aside from their tuition fees. Almost 43 percent of students said that they face food struggles. While 59 percent are facing housing problems.
Fil-Am Students’ Textbook Costs Struggles
Furthermore, it’s not only the Fil-Am students that face the textbook costs problems. The Latino and Black students in the district are also reporting that textbook expenses are affecting them negatively.
Associated Student Government president at Miramar College Edward Borek, cited the usual sentiments of the students. “For many, a $200 to $300 textbook can be the difference between whether a student has enough to eat, gas up their car, or even pay the rent. Multiple that by four, five, or even six classes each semester, and those costs compound.”
Most of the credits should also go to US Rep. Scott Peters, who proposed the school funds. Peters said, “Lower costs for textbooks help community college students deal with one less burden as they pursue their academic goals. With rising costs of tuition and textbooks, programs that expand affordability encourage students who need the most support. I thank San Diego Community College District for this work and hope to see more programs like this one in many other districts.”
While this development will benefit the Fil-Am students, it will significantly help the whole Fil-Am community as it will also reduce the school expenses of most Fil-Am parents.