Claremont, California names second Fil-Am mayor in 114 years

The Claremont City Council unanimously appointed Jed Leano as mayor. (City of Claremont)
Claremont, California appointed its second Filipino American mayor in the city’s 114-year history.
The City Council, which rotates its leadership annually, last month unanimously picked Jed Leano as mayor and selected Councilman Ed Reece as mayor pro tem for the next year. Both joined the council in November 2018.
The city’s first Fil-Am mayor was Corey Calaycay, who was selected in Dec. 2018.
Leano said the city needs to update its housing plan and determine how to spend its American Rescue Plan dollars. The pandemic, he said has raised the need for bold thinking about housing, health and public safety.
Leano is chair of the San Gabriel Valley Regional Housing Trust Board, vice chair of Tri-City Mental Health Board and Claremont’s representative to the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments.