Vallejo, Calif. town hall meetings set to ID health issues among Filipinos
VALLEJO, California — To identify issues affecting Vallejo’s Filipino community, Stanford University, Solano County Public Health, and the Filipino Community of Solano County, will host eight town hall meetings for input from the community.
The next town hall will be from 6:30 to 8 p.m., Friday, at the Filipino Community Banquet Hall, 820 Sonoma Blvd. in Vallejo.
Once the information is gathered, a Community Action Board (CAB), made up of community members, will be formed to address the issues picked by the community members.
Filipino community members are urged to express their views on health issues in their community and regarding a Community Action Board, officials said.
Up to 30 participants will receive a $25 gift card for their participation. Dinner will be provided and child care will also be available, officials said.
To participate, register by contacting community consultants, Annie Frias Ramos [email protected] (707) 319-7535 and/or Candy Villanueva [email protected] (707) 373-4384.