Back-to-school tips for a safe transition to the new school year
As the new school year kicks in, the back-to-school rush also commences — from checking off items on your school supply lists, which can seem endless, to planning ahead. Here are some tips and reminders to make sure your kids are ready to get back to school.
Back-to-school reminders
Establish a healthy sleep routine
A solid sleep schedule is key to good grades. Start training your children to sleep early to get enough rest. A well-slept child equals a focused and lively student.
Breakfast is a non-negotiable
Never underestimate the power of a full breakfast meal. Making sure every child has eaten a healthy breakfast is an important but often overlooked tool to boost academic performance: Children who skip breakfast are less able to master the tasks necessary to do well in school.
Emergency plan
Does your child know how to reach you in case an emergency arises? Make sure they have your phone number memorized and that they understand the action plan.
Train them if they’re going home alone
Are they ready to be alone at home after school? Consider their maturity, age and the support network in the neighborhood. Set ground rules and make sure they know how to call an adult in case of an emergency.
School bus and pedestrian safety
Whether riding the school bus or walking home, remind your kids about these rules:
- While waiting, instruct them to stand away from the curb.
- Wait until the bus stops completely before approaching.
- Keep seated while the bus is moving.
- Always follow the bus driver’s instructions.
- If crossing the street, make sure the driver sees you and cross far from the vehicles — at least one car apart.
Also, a walking buddy system is an added security and an opportunity to bond with friends.
Be prepared for allergies
Role-play allergy scenarios with your kids. Make sure their teacher and school nurse are aware if they have allergies and the school facility is prepared with medications.
Sports safety
Sports season is back and for your kids to safely participate in their favorite sport, ensure they are wearing the right protective gear. Rest and hydration are also crucial, especially during warm days.
Keeping germs at bay
Frequent handwashing is vital. Teach them to scrub their hands thoroughly and use hand sanitizers. With the flu season approaching, get those flu shots.
Also, pack essentials like umbrellas or mosquito and insect repellents.
You may also like: What to look for in mosquito repellents
Communicate openly with them
Engage your kids with questions like, “What happened in math today,?” Instead of asking them, “What did you learn today.“ It helps to avoid vague replies and foster clearer conversations.
With bullying still an ongoing issue, reinforce the significance of respect and empathy.
Be encouraging
Praise your child’s efforts and progress, and help them expect good things. You can also ask them to share what’s going well and what they’re looking forward to. You can put small notes in their backpacks or lunch bags saying, “you are brave” or “have the best day ever” – or “I love you!”