Filipino association warns of door-to-door scams in Manitoba city

Greg Carlos, president of South EastMan Filipino Association, unnamed persons have been reported knocking on doors trying to sell overpriced chocolate candies, claiming they are raising funds for charity work in the Philippines. FACEBOOK
A Filipino association in Steinbach, Manitoba, Canada is warning residents to beware of persons going door-to-door claiming they are raising funds to help people in the Philippines.
Unnamed persons have been reported knocking on doors trying to sell overpriced chocolate candies, claiming they are raising funds for charity work.
Greg Carlos president of the South EastMan Filipino Association was quoted by SteinbachOnline that “there is one about typhoons, there is one about basketball fundraising, and there is another one about family back home.” He said
Carlos notes his organization is not in any way involved in this activity, which was first reported in October and has become more frequent this Christmas season.
Filipino groups in Steinbach, he said, do not raise funds this way, but mainly during events and direct sponsorships.
“Please do not buy any products from these people,” he said in a Facebook post. “Call the RCMP if they are being aggressive. On behalf of the Filipino community, we are very sorry this is happening. Take pictures if you can so we can stop this together.”
“We are now working with different associations and organizations in order to find out what is actually happening and we finally figured out some of the facts. Those people are not from the Southeast or in Steinbach and so we don’t know where they are coming from and what agenda they have. We are very careful because we don’t know who are we dealing with.”