Fat Burning Pills: Medically Proven Weight Loss Supplements
There are several reasons why anyone would love to lose weight, and this is where the best fat burner comes in. It is a very good solution to weight problems and it exists in three different forms; natural supplements, drugs, and pills. They all work in different ways but the target goal is the same.
Now, while the use of belly fat burner is beneficial to many, there are three mechanisms involved to ensure the proper loss of weight. These mechanisms include;
– Reduction in appetite, i.e., low food consumption
– Absorption levels of nutrients get reduced
– Fat burning (calories) mechanism increase
After all, is said and done, it is important to know the different ways to lose belly fat as proposed by the food and drug administration. Below are 14 ways on how to burn body fat.
14 ways to lose fat with supplements, pills or drugs
Green Coffee Bean Extract

The green coffee bean is nothing more than an unroasted coffee bean. It is known to contain two major chemical substances that are agents of weight loss; they are chromogenic acid and caffeine. These substances have their individual responsibilities in the fat-burning process.
For instance, chlorogenic acid helps in reducing glycolysis in carbohydrates while caffeine enhances faster fat burning.
A number of researches have been done to prove the efficacy of this coffee bean extract and they were all positive.
However, there were cases of side effects like diarrhea and allergies.
Also, this weight loss supplement has numerous benefits, and they include; reducing sugar levels and blood pressure.
Raspberry Ketones

As the name implies, it is found in raspberries and it comes with a unique smell. It is a synthetic substance that is known for enhancing fat loss.
The first increases the level of a hormone called adiponectin and then breakdown fat.
Raspberry ketones are very unique and it has only one side effect, and that is a raspberry-smell burp.

Glucomannan also called Konjac is a root fiber in elephant yam and has been proven to be useful for burning fats.
It works in a very unique way such that when ingested, it absorbs water, becomes gel-like and gives a satisfactory feeling.
This substance helps in watching food consumption and works well to reduce belly fat. Also, it has health benefits that include the direct feeding of intestinal bacteria as well as decreasing blood sugar and cholesterol levels.
It has few side effects such as bloating, soft stooling and reactions with oral medicine.
Garcinia Cambogia Extract

This is a special extract that came into limelight during a show in 2012. Garcinia Cambogia is a fruit that is greenish in color and small in size; it even looks like a smaller pumpkin.
The research was conducted on this fruit and it was discovered to have some chemical substances on the skin.
Hydroxycitric acid (HCA) is the chemical substance present and it is often sold as a diet pill in the market.
Definitely, it is the active ingredient in the extract. This is one of the best fat burners for men and women.
On what it does, it has an inhibition property which is aimed at the enzyme responsible for producing fat in the body.
Serotonin levels are increased in the process too.
Surprisingly, there are no reported cases of severe side effects only mild ones like for the digestive system.
Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)

For many years, Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) has been used as a fat loss supplement and this is because it is healthy and safe to use.
Naturally, they exist in animal foods preferably cheese or butter which are fatty in composition.
What CLA does is to reduce the appetite one has towards food, so that the body’s metabolism would be enhanced perfectly.
Also, there is the breakdown of fats in the body are stimulated in the process. The effects are seen between 8 weeks to 6 months on controlled usage.
There are side effects when it comes to substances like this, and for CLA, digestive problems could occur.
If not treated, it could turn from mild to severe such as an increase in fats of the liver, high resistance to insulin and inflammation.

Forskolin was specially designed for men as a great supplement for reducing abdominal fat. It is a mint plant extract with effective weight loss benefits and has been used for many years.
The mechanism in which these substance works is such compound inside cells are raised for fat burning.
It has more effect on obese men than women according to research conducted.
However, there is little or no information about the safety of this weight supplement; therefore, side effects are yet unknown. But for what it is worth, it reduces fat in the body.
Green Tea Extract

Another burner often used is the green tea extract which contains an active ingredient.
This ingredient is caffeine that is known for its weight loss benefits. This green tea fat burner even increases the activity of a hormone that burns fat completely called norepinephrine.
From a series of research, the conclusion has been drawn that they are great fat burners for women.
However, this contains caffeine which means there are going to be side effects, especially for people who are sensitive. Jitteriness and anxiety are the commonest effects that occur.

Meratrim is a diet pill; one of the newest on the block. It is an active drug that is used to enhance weight loss.
It is the best fat burner for women when it comes to pills because of its mechanism of action.
It is made up of two main plant extracts that have an effect on fat cells in the body.
Particularly, this pill makes it difficult for fat cells to multiply or increase, thereby reducing weight gain. In the same vein, they burn stored fats excessively and are very useful.
This pill does not have any side effects.

Orlistat is kind of different because they are drugs sold over-the-counter, but are good fat burners. It is also called Alli just in case it isn’t referred to as “Orlistat”.
This burner has a good course of action as it inhibits the breakdown process of fats; this enhances the low intake of calories.
This weight loss pill has other benefits and that is for the reduction of blood pressure and the risk of diabetes 2.
More importantly, every pill has its side effects and for Alli, it is directed towards the digestive tract. It could cause oiliness in stools, constant bowel movements, flatulence, etc.

This is the most well-known weight loss supplement because it has been in existence for over 10 years now.
It exists in various forms but “Hydroxycut” is more active and preferable. This fat burner contains few ingredients which are known for enhancing weight loss.
It contains both caffeine and some major plant extracts, each performing their individual roles.
It has been proven to see positive results after three months of controlled use. Therefore, it works very well as it is mostly used by women.
Hydroxycut intake may have some side effects but that depends on the condition of the person taking it.
For instance, someone with allergies to caffeine could experience diarrhea, jitteriness, etc.

Synephrine also called Bitter Orange is a very good compound known for reducing visceral fat.
It belongs to the family of Ephedrine which is another weight loss supplement.
However, ephedrine was banned because it poses serious threats as confirmed by the Food and Drug Administration.
This compound works with a great mechanism of reducing appetite and increasing satisfactory levels.
This, in turn, reduces fat but its effects are temporary (they are mainly short-term). Bitter orange has its side effects in which one of them is related to heart disease.

Of all psychoactive substances in the world, caffeine is the most consumed as they are natural fat burners.
However, they are mostly found in Coffee and the likes (green tea, chocolate), and are used as major ingredients in beverages, foods, etc. It is indeed a very popular compound.
One thing about this compound is that it enhances hyperactivity, increased energy level and a good booster of the metabolism process.
This makes it one of the best fat burners in the world today. In fact, the rate at which it burns fat is alarming.
Now, as it is present in major drugs, foods, extracts, teas, etc., they could pose serious threats.
They are particularly directed to people who are sensitive to caffeine as it could cause jitteriness, irritability, anxiety, panic, nausea, etc.

Hoodia is a very unique plant that grows in Africa. It has been discovered to be a great weight loss agent.
This plant contains P57 which is an active ingredient that lowers appetite such that thirst and hunger are suppressed.
Since it is a natural fat burner, there are many other health benefits that come with it.
Also, there is limited evidence on the safety of this plant but it still works well as for reducing fat.
Chromium Picolinate

Chromium Picolinate is also an extraordinary weight loss supplement that exists as a mineral responsible for enhancing insulin.
This is a hormone that increases the energy level of the body instead of gaining fat. It reduces appetite alongside and helps in burning calories.
This mineral helps in building muscle mass and from many types of research, it is proven effective and safe.
However, there are some side effects with this fat burner and they include; insomnia, irritability, headache. In severe cases, kidney problems may arise.
We have seen the top 14 weight loss supplements and their effects on the body. So, if you are worried or asking questions like: “do fat burners work?” Well, you have your answer when you try any one of them out. There are prescriptions to the use of weight loss pills before they become effective.
Also, these supplements are ineffective when taken only; they must be combined with certain diets that are healthy enough.
If not combined, results may not be seen. Moreover, if these fat burners are used, those with side effects have inevitable consequences.
With good evidence out there to support many of the claims of these supplements, there are important things to bear in mind, especially for a thermogenic fat burner. They are;
– Good weight loss: Orlistat, Glucomannan, Conjugated Linoleic Acid
– Burning fat benefits: Caffeine and Green tea extract
In conclusion, doing your body a great deal of good is a top priority and that is why if you are going through a weight gain process or suffering from obesity, you need this. These supplements are available in different ways, but their final effect is the same for both men and women