The Many Benefits of a Social Media Detox. Is It Time?
Are you ready for a social media detox? Social media user figures continuously grow. As a matter of fact, the average individual spends at least 1 hr. and 40 min. a day browsing their favorite social media apps and sites. It’s an astounding quantity of time which could be spent in additional ways, yet it also is indicative of the present business and social culture.
But that does not mean that spending that much time on social media is okay for you. Even though your work might require that you stay social online within business hours, it may be helpful to detox during a vacation or over the weekend.
Break the Cycle of Social Comparison
Researchers have found that the majority of folks using social media wind up comparing themselves to the lives of all other people they know. The issue with that is that it may have a serious effect upon your self-esteem.
For instance, if everybody you know is having babies and getting married, but you still are single, you might wind up feeling lonely and isolated. It even can lead to severe depression for some folks. Break away from that unhealthy pattern by taking a little break from social media in order for you to reconnect with all the incredible things in your life.
Take A Social Media Break: Protect Your Privacy
Social media is an easy method of keeping in touch and sharing photos, yet it also requires that you give up a ton of your privacy. For instance, ReputationDefender reported that the most recent privacy policy update for WhatsApp permits them to share information with Facebook.
So, if you do not want Facebook to gain access to your phone number, be certain that you do not have both applications installed on your smartphone. Even better, it’s possible to take a social media detox which involves deleting your accounts and apps to give yourself with the best potential privacy protection.
If You Take a Social Media Detox, You Will Stop Feeling as Competitive
Even if you are not aware of it, social brings out your competitive side. That’s because the primary basis of social media platforms like Facebook includes attracting attention to your posts. Every comment and reaction is a measure of just how popular a certain post is, which may make you really want to outdo other people and even yourself.
Such competitiveness isn’t healthy, and it may cause depression and anxiety. Take a little mental health break by stepping off from social for a while!
If You Take a Social Media Break, It Will Improve Your Mood
Research has found that the more time spent on a social media website, the more likely you will be to develop depression. Also, the quantity of time spent on these platforms is directly associated with whether or not you feel happy or stressed out.
In other words, if you have been feeling anxious, depressed or stressed out, it’s a great time to take a little social media detox. At first, it might feel unusual, yet your overall mood ought to start to improve as you veer away from Twitter, Facebook, and additional social media websites.
Conquer Fears of Missing Out
According to Computer World, social media is designed to be as addictive as crack cocaine. That is not simply a hyperbole; as you initially cease in using social media, you’ll expect to feel withdrawal symptoms. According to researchers it’s due to a naturally ingrained fear of missing out. Because after all, you might miss something important or entertaining if you step off of your smartphone or laptop.
The notification number will make it even more difficult to stay away. However, the ones who become addicted to social may wind up destroying their professional and personal relationships. It’s possible to minimize this impact after the detox by arranging a one-time-per-day visit to your fave social sites. After the visit is over, don’t look at social for the remainder of the day.
Reconnect with Real World
Do you happen to connect well with other people on the internet yet discover yourself never connecting one-on-one? It may be perfect for introverts, yet all of us still have a need for in-person contact with humans. Sadly, individuals who spend a ton of time on social sites report feeling isolated and lonely in real life. They also are more likely to experience a weakened immune system.
Here’s the good news: even if you are an introvert and not at ease with a lot of in-person engagement, it’s possible to give your mood a boost by just going out in public. Go to your favorite restaurant or park if you like being alone. You even could go to a concert or movie. If you have a desire make new friends, think about using a service like MeetUp to locate like-minded people.
Start to Live in the Moment
Do you actually post EVERYTHING you do to Facebook while each life event or activity is happening in real-time? There’ve even been cases of individual updating their Twitter and Facebook accounts from the altar right after they get married.
It’s a viable method of documenting your life; however, it also can become a burden that’ll take you out of the moment. If you are living EVERYTHING through social media’s lens, rather than directly being involved in it, your experiences will be of a lower quality, as well as become less memorable.
Stop Being Obsessive Over the Past
Do you spend too much time viewing old tweets or on Facebook stalking your ex? That may keep you trapped in a toxic headspace, and it’ll make it more challenging to recover from a break-up.
Leaving social behind for a while will give you the space needed to stop obsessing and move on with your life.
Get Back a Ton of Free Time
Do you feel as if you never have sufficient time to clean your house, read, or exercise? Placing social media on pause helps you regain almost two hours a day, during which it’s possible to commit your energy to improving your life. Going for a walk for 30 min. a day provides huge mental and physical health benefits, making it a much better use of your time than sifting through your news feed on Facebook.
If you have a hard time completely unplugging, instead, consider going to one of the many sites that provide educational benefits. Taking a free class on a subject of interest definitely is a better method of spending your time, and it’ll enrich your professional and personal lives.