DC-area Filipino culture school off to another great start
MICS Filipino culture school in Washington, DC area holds Open House. CONTRIBUTED
WASHINGTON, DC — More than 50 Filipino American children and parents came to Mabuhay Inc. Culture School’s (MICS) annual Open House at the community center in College Park, Maryland last Oct. 6.
For more than 25 years,) has been teaching the language, culture, customs and courtesies of the Philippines to children of the Maryland, Virginia, Washington DC metro area. The school had its
This year some of the parents were past students of MICS who brought their children to learn what they had learned. The students were divided into three groups: Pula (3-6 years old), Asul (7 to 11 years old), and Puti (12 to 16 years). There were arts and crafts, dance lessons, Tagalog conversation, and a Tinikling demonstration by the Mabuhay Youth Group Dancers.
Four activity stations were set up including
Station 1 – Alam mo ba?,
Station 2 – Mag-Filipino Tayo?
Station 3 – Umawit at sumayaw Tayo
Station 4 – Lumikha Tayo
Old and new families were in attendance. One of the benefits of becoming a member of Mabuhay Inc. is after the nominal initial membership fee, the culture school is free for life.
A grand time was had by all, and before the traditional circle time ending all in attendance were treated to a very yummy merienda.
Filipino American children learning about Filipino culture and traditions.
Established in 1985, MABUHAY, INC. was organized in response to a felt need in the Filipino American community for a support group — a network of individuals, families and their friends who have similar concerns about assimilation into the American mainstream, interracial marriages, raising biracial children, and maintaining ties with the “old country” — the Philippines. The goals and objectives of Mabuhay Inc are:
- Fostering a better understanding of American and Filipino cultures among its members by providing a forum where ideas, hopes, talents and skills may be shared and developed.
- Providing emergency assistance to qualified persons in need.
- Forming a network of resident Filipino Americans to facilitate adjustment to life in the United States.
- Fostering an awareness and understanding of the Civil Rights Act.
- Developing, promoting and sponsoring programs and activities that advance the ideals of multiculturalism, peaceful co-existence and harmony among all people.
For more information about MICS and Mabuhay Inc, visit https://mabuhayinc-md.org