IRS Offer in Compromise: Your Guide to Tax Debts

IRS Offer in Compromise: A Comprehensive Guide to Settle Your Tax Debts

11:22 AM June 20, 2023

Overwhelming tax debt can cast a dark cloud over your life, creating stress and anxiety. But don’t lose heart just yet—the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) offers a potential beacon of light known as the IRS Offer in Compromise (OIC) tax debt relief program.

IRS Offer in Compromise

This comprehensive guide is designed to help taxpayers understand the ins and outs of the IRS OIC program. You’ll know the benefits, eligibility criteria for tax debt relief, application process, and alternative IRS debt forgiveness program options. Whether you’re knee-deep in IRS debt or seeking potential IRS debt forgiveness options, this guide is your go-to resource.

What Is an IRS Offer in Compromise?

Imagine having the weight of IRS tax debt lifted from your shoulders. The IRS OIC program offers this potential reprieve to those grappling with substantial tax debt. This agreement between a taxpayer and the IRS, one of many IRS tax debt forgiveness programs, allows taxpayers to settle their tax debts for less than the full amount owed.

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Take Sarah’s story, for instance. Financial struggles led to her owing a formidable tax debt of $50,000. When Sarah applied for an OIC, offering to pay a lump sum payment of $10,000, the IRS reviewed her situation carefully.

After evaluating her total income, IRS debt, and overall financial situation, the IRS accepted her offer, dramatically reducing her IRS tax debt. This real-world example perfectly illustrates how the OIC serves as an effective tool for tax debt relief.

IRS Offer in Compromise

Qualifying for an Offer in Compromise—Do You Fit the Bill?

Determining your eligibility for an IRS OIC or a different IRS debt forgiveness program entails assessing several factors. While basic criteria are crucial, understanding the finer details and considerations the IRS makes is just as important. Here’s a rundown of key aspects:

Financial Evaluation

The IRS conducts a thorough financial evaluation to ascertain if you qualify for their OIC, one of the mainstays of the IRS tax forgiveness program. They scrutinize your current income, expenses, asset equity, and future earning potential to gauge your ability to pay off your IRS debt in full.

Tax Filing Compliance

The road to tax debt forgiveness, such as an IRS tax debt forgiveness program like the OIC, requires that you have filed all necessary tax returns, including your federal tax returns for all applicable years. Failure to meet these tax filing compliance requirements can nix your chances of participating in the program.


Estimated Tax Payments and Federal Tax Deposits

In addition to filing your returns, you must have made any essential estimated tax payments for the current year. Business owners must also ensure they have made all required federal tax deposits for the current quarter. Meeting these requirements proves your compliance with ongoing tax obligations, a significant factor in obtaining IRS debt forgiveness.

Exceptions to Filing and Payment Compliance

In some rare circumstances, the IRS may consider exceptions to filing and payment compliance requirements. This may apply to individuals claiming extreme financial hardship or victims of natural disasters or other extraordinary events. To determine if you qualify for these exceptions, it’s advisable to consult with a qualified tax professional or a reputable tax relief company.

Tax Filing Compliance

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Common Misconceptions About the OIC

Don’t let misconceptions cloud your understanding of the OIC process. Clearing these myths can help you better understand the requirements for a successful application to pay all your tax debt. Here are some common misconceptions debunked:

“I’m automatically eligible if I can’t afford to pay my tax debt.”

This misconception stems from the fact that inability to pay the tax debt in full is one of the criteria the IRS uses when evaluating OIC applications. While it is indeed a critical factor, it’s not the only one.

The IRS also assesses your income, expenses, asset equity, and future earning potential. They use this information to calculate a reasonable collection potential (RCP), which is the amount they believe they could collect from you over a certain period.

If the RCP is equal to or more than the amount you owe, your OIC application will likely be rejected, regardless of your claim you can’t afford to pay your tax debt in full.

“I’m ineligible if I owe a large tax debt.”

The size of your tax debt does not automatically disqualify you from an OIC. Many people mistakenly believe that owing a substantial sum to the IRS makes them ineligible for an offer in compromise.

The truth is that the IRS looks at your overall financial situation, not just the size of your debt. If your financial analysis (considering your income, expenses, and assets) suggests you cannot pay the debt either as lump sum cash or over time through a payment plan, you could be a candidate for an OIC. It’s all about your capacity to pay, not just the raw numbers.

Misconceptions About the OIC

“The IRS will accept pennies on the dollar.”

It’s true that some taxpayers have settled their debts for less than what they owe. However, the notion that the IRS frequently accepts “pennies on the dollar” is somewhat misleading.

The IRS approves an OIC when it believes the offer represents the most it can expect to collect within a reasonable period. They base the calculation on the taxpayer’s unique financial situation and the reasonable collection potential (RCP).

Remember that each case is unique, and not everyone will be able to settle their debts for significantly less than the amount owed.

“The OIC process is quick and straightforward.”

The OIC process is often portrayed as a quick and easy tax relief program, but in reality, it can be quite lengthy and complex. The IRS takes time to thoroughly review each OIC application, and this process can take several months.

Additionally, preparing the application can also be complicated as it requires a detailed understanding of tax laws and IRS procedures, complete and accurate financial disclosure, how much you owe money, and careful calculation of the offer amount. Thus, it’s advisable to seek tax relief companies help to navigate this process.

Debunking these misconceptions helps taxpayer have a clearer understanding of the OIC process. That way, they can make better decisions regarding their tax debt situation.

Remember, while the OIC can be a viable solution, it’s not suitable for everyone. It’s essential to evaluate all your options and seek professional advice when dealing with tax debts and when you claim extreme financial hardship.

The OIC process is quick and straightforward

How to Apply for an Internal Revenue Service OIC

Applying for an IRS OIC can feel as daunting as your tax debt, but understanding the steps involved can make the process less intimidating. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to go about it:

Step 1: Ensure You Meet the Basic Requirements

Before you embark on your IRS debt forgiveness journey, verify you meet the basic requirements: you’ve filed all necessary tax returns and made any required estimated tax payments or federal tax deposits. If you are in an open bankruptcy proceeding, you are ineligible for an OIC.

Step 2. Submit Your Offer

To submit your offer, you’ll need to complete Form 656, “Offer in Compromise,” and Form 433-A (OIC), “Collection Information Statement for Wage Earners and Self-Employed Individuals,” or Form 433-B (OIC), “Collection Information Statement for Businesses” if applicable.

Along with these forms, you’ll need to provide a detailed explanation of your hardship financially and an initial payment, unless you qualify for a low-income exception.

Step 3. Wait for the IRS Response

After your offer has been submitted, you’ll need to wait for the IRS to review your case. During this time, the IRS will halt any collection activities. It’s crucial to note, however, that interest and penalties will continue to accumulate.

Step 4. Understand the IRS Decision

The IRS can accept your offer, reject it, or propose a counter-offer. If your offer is rejected, you can appeal within 30 days of the rejection notice.

Apply for an Internal Revenue Service OIC

Alternatives to OIC

While the IRS OIC is a fantastic tool, it might not be the best solution for everyone. There are alternatives to consider, such as the IRS Installment Agreement or Currently Not Collectible status.

Let’s delve into these alternatives a bit more:

IRS Installment Agreement

This payment plan allows you to pay off your tax debt in monthly installments. The amount you pay each month will depend on how much you owe and your current financial situation.

There are different types of installment agreements, such as short-term payment plans (payment in 120 days or less) and long-term payment plans (payment in more than 120 days). Keep in mind that penalties and interest continue to accrue on unpaid portions of your debt throughout the duration of your payment plan.

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Currently Not Collectible (CNC) Status

If you are experiencing severe financial hardship, such that collection of your tax debt would create further hardship, you might qualify for Currently Not Collectible (CNC) status. When the IRS declares a taxpayer’s account as CNC, they temporarily pause collection efforts.

Remember that the CNC status isn’t an IRS debt forgiveness program and doesn’t erase your debt, and penalties and interest will still accrue. The IRS will review your financial situation periodically, and if your condition improves, they may end your CNC status and resume collection efforts.

Alternatives to OIC

Innocent Spouse Relief

In certain situations, you may be relieved of the responsibility for tax, interest, and penalties if your spouse (or former spouse) improperly reported items or omitted items on your tax return. This isn’t a direct alternative to an OIC or another IRS debt forgiveness program, but it can be a viable option in the right circumstances.


In extreme cases, filing for bankruptcy might be an option. However, the IRS may not discharge all tax debts in bankruptcy, and the rules are complex. You’ll definitely want to consult with a bankruptcy attorney if you’re considering this route.

For each of these alternatives, eligibility requirements and processes apply. Tax professionals, like those at, can provide guidance and help you choose the best path to address your tax debt situation based on your unique circumstances. Remember, seeking professional help is always a wise decision when it comes to navigating complex tax matters when seeking tax debt relief.

Innocent Spouse Relief

Final Thoughts

Overcoming IRS tax debt can seem like an insurmountable obstacle. But with the right tools and information, you can navigate through the storm.

The IRS OIC program, although not a one-size-fits-all solution, can be a viable path to IRS debt forgiveness. With this comprehensive guide, you are now better equipped to make informed decisions regarding your IRS debt situation.

Always remember that it’s advisable to seek professional help when dealing with tax-related issues. Let the experts handle the IRS while you focus on regaining your financial footing.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About IRS OIC

Can I apply for an OIC if I have already entered into an installment agreement with the IRS?

No, if you can pay your tax liability through an installment agreement, you’re not eligible to apply for an OIC.

Will an OIC affect my credit score?

The IRS OIC itself does not directly impact your credit score. However, the release of a tax lien following successful completion of the OIC can improve your credit over time.

What other tax relief options are available if I don’t qualify for an OIC?

Other IRS debt relief options include installment agreements, temporary delay of the collection process, and penalty abatement. Each has its own eligibility criteria and implications, so it’s best to consult with a tax professional to understand which option suits your circumstances best.

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TAGS: Debt, taxes, USFINANCE
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