PH Embassy in DC offers free seminars on services

POLO-OWWA, SSS, Pag-IBIG and PTIC will conduct free seminars for the members of the Filipino community on Sunday, 10 June 2018, as part of ‘Paglilingkod at Pagdiriwang sa Araw ng Kalayaan 2018.
WASHINGTON, D.C. – As part of “Paglilingkod at Pagdiriwang sa Araw ng Kalayaan 2018”, the Philippine Embassy will host the following seminars for members of the Filipino community on Sunday, 10 June 2018, at the Chancery Annex Building:
- Programs and Services of the Philippine Overseas and Labor Office-Office of Workers Welfare Administration (POLO-OWWA)
By Labor Attaché Angela Librado-Trinidad and Welfare Officer Josephine Tobia
2:15 PM to 3:05 PM
- Social Security System (SSS) Programs and Benefits
By Ms. Marites Marin, SSS Foreign Representative- San Francisco
3:05 PM to 3:40 PM
- Pag-IBIG Fund Programs and Benefits
By Michael F. Azucena, MRO-New York
3:40 PM to 4:00 PM
- Franchising Opportunities in the Philippines
By Raymond Batac, Commercial Counselor, Philippine Trade and Investment Center-Washington DC
4:00 PM to 4:55 PM
The seminars are FREE and interested parties are encouraged to register by sending an e-mail to
Apart from the seminars, the SSS and Pag-IBIG Fund representatives will be designated work stations where they will transact with their members and the wider public.
The SSS officer will be on site on 10-11 June 2018, 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. SSS members may set an appointment by contacting Ms. Theresa Bautista through telephone number 415-757-0641 or e-mail
The Embassy will also be open to render passport, civil registration and overseas voter registration services on the same day from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Legalization or “red-ribbon” of documents will be conducted from 9:00AM until 12:00 NN. No appointment is necessary for these consular services.