Top 10 of Andrew Tate’s Most Perplexing Statements from Prison
Andrew Tate is spending a 30-day detention in Romania on suspicion of human trafficking and organized crime.
He is a social media influencer who skyrocketed in popularity due to his controversial statements regarding masculinity and women.
Despite his prison time, he has been tweeting numerous perplexing statements. Let us check 10 of these strange posts.
Top 10 Things Andrew Tate said in prison
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- Flying is GENUINELY possible
- He fought a “ghost”
- Staying fit in prison
- His mission is to “protect men”
- Comprising himself to Nelson Mandela
- “The Matrix has attacked me”
- Responding to Logan Paul
- Saying he had a full head of hair
- Plans to launch a “Judge Judy” show
- Poem about cockroaches
1. Flying is GENUINELY possible
How many of you have genuinely tried to fly?
How many of you have researched, trained, and truly TRIED to fly?
Because you think it’s impossible.
You’ve never pushed yourself because you believe the goal can never be achieved.
— Andrew Tate (@Cobratate) February 27, 2023
Perhaps the weirdest statement from Andrew Tate was his tweet about trying to “genuinely” fly. He asked people if they “researched, trained, and truly tried” to do it.
Then, he claimed that nobody was able to do so “because you think it’s impossible.” Tate added, “You’ve never pushed yourself because you believe the goal can never be achieved.”
He could have been trying to share a motivational statement by comparing the “act of flying” with seemingly unachievable goals.
However, it seems silly at face value since people cannot take to the skies unless they ride aircraft.
2. He fought a “ghost”
I was awoken last night by an icy chill
and identified a ghost in my prison cell
He was terrified and begged me not to annihilate him
I sent him back to hell with a message for the demons
I am always ready.
— Andrew Tate (@Cobratate) February 25, 2023
The famous online personality said an icy chill woke him at night. It turned out to be a “ghost,” and it “was terrified,” begging Tate not to “annihilate” him.
Then, the influencer told the apparition back to hell and said, “I am always ready.” Some people thought Andrew Tate was hallucinating after weeks in prison.
On the other hand, the “ghost” could be an analogy for Tate’s fears and hopelessness. Also, he might have “sent it back to hell” to confirm his unbreakable will.
3. Staying fit in prison
I am in a cell.
I have extremely limited freedom of action.
Every single day,
I do 500 squats.
500 push-ups.
Practice my tiger paw technique.
Walk 10km.
Write and complete lessons for the students inside The Real World.
Read and respond to 100s of letters.
— Andrew Tate (@Cobratate) February 23, 2023
Andrew Tate listed the daily activities he performed despite having “extremely limited freedom of action.”
He claimed his routine included 500 squats, 500 push-ups, tiger paw technique practice, a 10-km walk, writing lessons for students, and responding to letters.
Perhaps he is trying to show his audience that people can do many things despite their circumstances.
Still, some people might think Tate is merely boasting about his physical fitness.
4. His mission is to “protect men”
I updated my will from prison.
I will be donating 100 million to start a charity to protect men from false accusations.
— Andrew Tate (@Cobratate) February 5, 2023
Tate said that “I will be donating 100 million to start a charity to protect men from false accusations.”
He might be thinking that he’s in prison due to false claims, causing him to pledge a huge sum to protect others in a similar situation.
However, prison time could have been traumatic for Andrew Tate, causing him to undergo the “Five Stages of Grief.”
Specifically, he could be in his bargaining stage. He might be promising such things hoping that he may become free again.
On the other hand, his experience could have inspired him to do more for people under similar circumstances.
5. Comprising himself to Nelson Mandela
"I have taken a moment here to rest, to steal a view of the glorious vista that surrounds me, to look back on the distance I have come. But I can only rest for a moment, for with freedom come responsibilities, and I dare not linger, for my long walk is not ended.”
Nelson Mandela
— Andrew Tate (@Cobratate) February 1, 2023
The social media influencer seemingly compared himself to the former South African president and activist Nelson Mandela by sharing one of his statements:
“I have taken a moment here to rest, to steal a view of the glorious vista that surrounds me, to look back on the distance I have come.”
“But I can only rest for a moment, for with freedom come responsibilities, and I dare not linger, for my long walk is not ended.”
On the one hand, it may seem like Andrew Tate’s ego has grown too much that he compares himself to historical figures.
On the other, he could be affirming his commitment to his long-term goals despite his prison time.
6. “The Matrix has attacked me”
The Matrix has attacked me.
But they misunderstand, you cannot kill an idea.
Hard to Kill.
— Andrew Tate (@Cobratate) January 8, 2023
One of Andrew Tate’s most prominent ideas is “The Matrix,” akin to the film trilogy of the same name.
The movie’s main theme is about a machine that uses people as batteries and traps them in virtual worlds.
In contrast, Tate’s Matrix refers to the stories and narratives allegedly spun by mainstream media and other prominent institutions.
He claims his teachings are helping people break free from this entity, so it is “trying to attack him.” Yet, his tweet could be affirming his commitment to his long-term goal.
7. Responding to Logan Paul
You are the Matrix. You are an Agent.
But the Matrix is cracking.
And now you will pay the price.
— Andrew Tate (@Cobratate) January 11, 2023
Another influencer named Logan Paul tweeted about “The Matrix” after Tate became imprisoned.
He said, “the matrix is real, pray you never become its target,” but no evidence suggests it was a jab at Tate.
Nevertheless, the latter took offense to Paul’s statement by responding, “You are the Matrix. You are an Agent.” Then, he added, “But the Matrix is cracking. And now you will pay the price.”
8. Saying he had a full head of hair
I saw my reflection today and I barely recognized myself
A long beard, a full head of hair
and the stresses of battle show on my face
But then I looked into my eyes
And recognized myself completely
They cannot break me.
— Andrew Tate (@Cobratate) February 28, 2023
Andrew Tate is bald, but he said he saw himself in the mirror with a full head of hair. Also, he claimed his reflection showed “stresses of battle.”
Perhaps these characteristics are only metaphors for the stress he’s experiencing behind bars. He probably recognizes himself completely shortly after due to his commitment.
On the other hand, the tweet could be proof that prison time has been overwhelming for the social media personality.
9. Plans to launch a “Judge Judy” show
I am considering starting a relationship counseling show, very similar to Judge Judy
A man and a woman will come to me to present their arguments
And I will decide who was right and who was wrong.
Exclusively on
Would you watch it?
— Andrew Tate (@Cobratate) February 23, 2023
“Judge Judy” is a reality show that mimics real-life court cases. Consequently, it seems weird that Andrew Tate thought about starting a similar show while behind bars.
He said the program will involve a man and a woman who will present their arguments to him. Then, he will decide who is right and who is wrong.
Perhaps he remembered who accused him of sexual assault, so this program could be his way of getting back at such people.
On the other hand, Andrew Tate’s ordeal could have inspired him to pursue this goal. Regardless, hearing a reality show pitch from a person in prison seems strange to most people.
10. Poem about cockroaches
They are trying to break me.
Thrown inside a cell without light.
Cockroaches, lice, and bed bugs are my only friends at night.
When the guards bring me to and from the courtroom, I stay absolutely respectful.
They try to pour hatred into my heart.
— Andrew Tate (@Cobratate) January 24, 2023
Andrew Tate shared odd verses describing his living conditions in prison. It seems he believes that his enemies subjected him to such treatment to “pour hatred into my heart.”
Moreover, Tate says he stays respectful towards guards despite pests being his only company. Still, he doesn’t specify the person or entity that placed him in prison.
As a result, it would seem that prison time has been deteriorating his mental health.