Must-Try Whiskey Mixers for Your Next Party
Whether drinking to enjoy or forget, whiskey has always been the go-to liquor for almost every occasion. It is a drink popular for its versatility of flavors and is often enjoyed neat. It can be spicy, sweet, or savory, and this variety comes out when paired with other ingredients. However, like any other hard liquor, its flavors can be brought out even more by good whiskey mixers.
A good mixer differentiates any whiskey from another, and some mixers may suit one whiskey more than the other — what combines smoothly with peppery rye may clash with a bourbon. You will have to find out what works for each whiskey and you.
Remember that some more expensive whiskeys, like rare bourbons or single malts, are appreciated for their unique flavors, so reserve those for sipping and use a less expensive blend for cocktails.
Best Whiskey Mixers that You’ll Love
Whiskey is a strong drink, and not everyone prefers to endure its harshness; some don’t like it. The best whiskey mixer depends on who you ask. It may differ based on individual preference or the nature of the drink itself. Most mixers are usually refrigerated drinks and can be easily gotten.
Why drink your whiskey plain when a simple cocktail recipe with a good mixer can be just as delicious? And then, what are good mixers for whiskey cocktails? Grab a glass and your favorite bottle of whiskey, and look out for the following mixers while you relax.
Peach Juice
Like blackberry and grape juice, peach juice is one of the fruit juices that work well as a mixer. It has a unique taste and is definitely for those who want to tone down an otherwise offensive glass of whiskey.
Lemon-Lime Soda
Most citrus fruits get along nicely with whiskey, and a lemon-lime soda is no exception. The lemon flavor adds a sweet tang that can soften any whiskey. The lemonade gives it a cool taste, balancing out the sharpness of the lime.
Ginger Beer
Ginger beer differs from ginger ale in that it is more hard-hitting with ginger and gas. It is also quite spicy. It is usually served with ice in whiskey ginger cocktails like Moscow Mules and Kentucky Mules.
Lemonade is a perfect mixer for whiskey cocktails, especially when served with ice. The sweet but tangy flavor of the lemonade helps to temper the whiskey. For a more savory taste, try it on rye-heavy or straight rye whiskey.
Popularly known for its smooth Jack and Coke combo, coca-cola pairs well with any other whiskey. Its sweetness helps to disarm the abrasiveness of the whiskey, and for the sugar fiends, it is a big plus. If you aren’t a big fan of the sugary taste, add a squeeze of lime to tone it down.
Tea is an interesting choice of whiskey mixers, but it is welcome by tea lovers who still crave some liquor. It can be taken hot or cold, and whatever leaves you to use will give the whiskey a tea flavor, be it green or chai.
Ginger Ale
Ginger ale is a mixer that is known to be quite tasty. No matter what whiskey you pair it with, it will always announce itself with a broad, spicy taste. For effect, add a slice of lime and a large ice cube, and the party is about to begin.
The sweetness of the sprite covers up the aggressive flavor of any whiskey. It has plenty of flavors and is a popular mixer, best served with ice.
Orange Juice
Got a bottle of orange juice lying around? Citrus has gained a good reputation when it comes to mixing with whiskey. It has a sweet flavor that makes it very reliable as a whiskey mixer and suitable for cocktails. It has lower acidity than lime or lemon, so there will be less tang.
Grapefruit Juice
Brace yourself because this mix is quite fierce. Grapefruit is as tarty as it is bitter, so mixing it with your whiskey will produce quite a strong flavor.
You don’t need to get too fancy with your mixture, one part of whiskey and two parts of grapefruit juice, and you are good to go. If it is too strong, add some honey or syrup.
Apple Cider
Apple cider and whiskey is a great drink mix that you can take at any time, warm or ice-cold. It has a nice blended taste thanks to hints of caramel, clove, and other tasty spices.
A hot cider mixed in with whiskey is a perfect way to begin a frosty day. The intense cider flavor will make your drink even more sumptuous.
Cranberry Juice
Cranberry juice offers most of what pineapple does but with less sweetness. It is a healthy drink with a tart taste and is quite intense when mixed with whiskey.
You should apply caution by tasting as you mix because it is easy to get your mixture wrong when two strong flavors come together. It is indeed a strong mix, and a high-quality whiskey is recommended. You can throw in some syrup if you want to go easy.
Vermouth is a great drink with a sweet flavor with hints of orange, clove, and vanilla. The easiest whiskey-vermouth cocktail to make is the Manhattan. All you need is a cherry and some bitters.
Club Soda
Cocktails don’t get easier than a whiskey-club soda mix. Club soda is carbonated water with little sugar and no flavor, just a bubbly fuzziness in your mouth. Club soda has minerals like potassium bicarbonate that account for its slightly metallic taste.
Mix the two with some ice; no need to stir or shake. Just kick back and let the bubbles mix for you. You can also squeeze lemon or lime to give it a hint of citrus, and now your Highball is truly ready.
How to Make Drinking Whiskey Easier
Whiskey is a liquor intended for sipping, but sometimes it can be a bit harsh, hence the use of mixers and cocktails to enhance our drinking experiences. Drinking whiskey doesn’t have to be terrifying. There are several ways to make drinking whiskey quite easy.
Use a Whiskey Glass
The first step to drinking whiskey, and frankly any other liquor, is to get yourself a good glass. A good whiskey glass would do wonders for you while you take little sips of your preferred drink. Their unique shape will allow you to swirl your drink and savor the escaping aroma. A tulip-shaped glass is recommended.
Dilute Whiskey By Adding Water
If you are battling a rather harsh drink, you can dilute it softer. You only need to add a few drops of water, not too much, to avoid quenching the taste of the whiskey itself completely. Some people add water to allow other hidden flavors, like citrus or caramel, to float to the top.
Chill It With a Big Ice Cube or Whiskey Stones
Ice cubes are commonly used to chill all kinds of liquor, but you can also opt for whiskey stones. A big lump of ice is preferred because it melts slower than smaller cubes, adding less water while it cools your drink.
Whiskey stones, though not as effective as ice cubes in chilling, do little to affect the taste or flavor of your drink because it doesn’t melt like ice. Either way, whiskey on the rocks is an extraordinary way to enhance your drinking experience.
Garnish Your Whiskey
Drinking neat is one way to enjoy a good bottle of whiskey. But why settle for simple and plain when you can enjoy a variety of flavors and aromas that come with spicing up your liquor? You could use various ingredients to garnish your drink, such as cherries, slices of lime, lemons, and oranges.
Best Whiskey Mixers – Conclusion
Using mixers with your whiskey is about personalizing your drink, so feel free to experiment until you find what works for you. These whiskey mixers will do a great job of making your drinking experience more memorable. So you can raise your glass and toast whatever makes you happy. Cheers!