CDC to vote on adding COVID vaccine to annual childhood immunization schedule
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) committee will vote on Wednesday if they will add the COVID-19 vaccine to the list of Vaccine recommendations for children.
A CDC advisory committee or Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) has 15 voting members. They are also the ones creating the vaccine recommendations. The US Department of Health and Human Services Secretary selected the ACIP members. It follows an application and nomination method.
According to the CDC website, all of the ACIP members but one have healthcare proficiency. That one is a consumer representative “who provides perspectives on the social and community aspects of vaccination.”
The CDC is about to add the Covid vaccine to the childhood immunization schedule, which would make the vax mandatory for kids to attend school.
— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) October 19, 2022
CDC – ACIP Members
Aside from the voting members, ACIP has eight “ex officio” members. They represent other government organizations that aid in running immunization programs in the US. In addition, 30 more non-voting members. They are “representatives of liaison organizations” and the ones responsible for dealing with other experts about immunizations.
A professor at Johns Hopkins University, Dr. Marty Makary, said, “Right now, we’ve got pharma saying ‘Hey, we did a study, we’re going to give you the top line of the press release. We’re going to call the White House.’ The White House then calls the FDA and the CDC and tells them to get in line,”
Makary spoke to Fox News’s Tucker Carlson before the vote. “The child vaccine story is essentially a story of bypassing clinical data, which is why many of us are asking, ‘Why even have an FDA? Why do we even do clinical trials?'”
Moreover, Makary also said that the government had already acquired 170 million doses of the new Omicron vaccine. “There has never been a vaccine added to the child immunization schedule without solid clinical evidence that it reduces disease significantly in the community. The COVID vaccine in children will be the first – it will be added with no clinical data.”