You’ve always thought you’d make a good spy. The powers of your intuition have never led you astray, and you’re often able to decode espionage films and books before the hero. Or, you’re just a good old-fashioned lover of spy thrillers and 007 himself. Then take note, because a new spy museum is opening in New York.
Called Spyscape, the contemporary interactive museum opens Friday in the heart of Midtown Manhattan, where visitors can live out their spy-dreams and learn the art and science of lie detection, how to lie themselves, and try to emerge undetected from a tunnel of laser beams.
Likewise, visitors will learn about real-life spies including the world’s best code-breakers and spy pilots, along with the spy-catcher who brought down the FBI’s most damaging traitor and the teenager who successfully hacked into the CIA’s website.
Are you clever and sneaky enough to be a spy? Wannabe Ethan Hunts (played by Tom Cruise in “Mission Impossible”) can also test their spy attributes like risk-tolerance, brainpower and personality.
Looking for a career change? Visitors will learn the kind of spy role that would best suit them in a spy-profiling system developed by a former head of training at British intelligence and psychologists: roles like cryptologist, hacker, intelligence operative, analyst or special ops officer.
Learning about the making of the world’s greatest spies, however, doesn’t come cheap. Admission to Spyscape is $39 for adults and $32 children (about P2,000 and almost P1,700). JB
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